Onthou jy nog hoe eksponente werk? Skryf neer wat “drie tot die mag sewe” beteken. Wat is die grondtal? Wat is die eksponent? Kan jy mooi verduidelik wat ’n mag is?
Hierdie deel het baie voorbeelde met getalle; gebruik jou sakrekenaar om hulle uit te werk sodat jy vertroue in die metodes kan ontwikkel.
3 = 2 × 2 × 2 en
a4 =
a ×
a ×
a ×
a en
b ×
b ×
b =
a+b )
3 = (
a +
b ) × (
a +
b ) × (
a +
b ) en
1.1 Skryf die volgende uitdrukkings in uitgebreide vorm:
3 (
p +2)
5a1 (0,5)
7b2 ×
1.2 Skryf hierdie uitdrukkings as magte:
7 × 7 × 7 × 7
y ×
y ×
y ×
y ×
y –2 × –2 × –2 (
x +
y ) × (
x +
y ) ×
(x +
y ) × (
x +
y )
1.3 Antwoord sonder om dit uit te werk: Is (–7)
6 dieselfde as –7
6 ?
Gebruik nou ’n sakrekenaar en kyk of die twee waardes dieselfde is.
Vergelyk ook die volgende pare deur eers te raai wat die antwoord gaan wees, en dan met jou sakrekenaar te kyk hoe goed jy geskat het.
2 en (–5)
2 –12
5 en (–12)
5 –1
3 en (–1)
Jy behoort nou ’n goeie idee te hê hoe hakies antwoorde beïnvloed – skryf dit neer sodat jy dit sal onthou en in die toekoms kan gebruik wanneer die probleme moeiliker word.
Ons som hierdie deel op in ’n definisie:
ar =
a ×
a ×
a ×
a × . . . (daar moet
ra ’s wees, en
r moet ’n natuurlike getal wees)
Van nou af moet jy die belangrikste magte begin memoriseer:
Communication is effective because it allows individuals to share ideas, thoughts, and information with others.
effective communication can lead to improved outcomes in various settings, including personal relationships, business environments, and educational settings. By communicating effectively, individuals can negotiate effectively, solve problems collaboratively, and work towards common goals.
it starts up serve and return practice/assessments.it helps find voice talking therapy also assessments through relaxed conversation.
Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the person begins to jumb back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes. Identify the types of learning, if it is classical conditioning identify the NS, UCS, CS and CR. If it is operant conditioning, identify the type of consequence positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement or punishment
nature is an hereditary factor while nurture is an environmental factor which constitute an individual personality. so if an individual's parent has a deviant behavior and was also brought up in an deviant environment, observation of the behavior and the inborn trait we make the individual deviant.
I am taking this course because I am hoping that I could somehow learn more about my chosen field of interest and due to the fact that being a PsyD really ignites my passion as an individual the more I hope to learn about developing and literally explore the complexity of my critical thinking skills