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So the number is written thirty-seven million, five hundred nineteen thousand, two hundred forty-eight.
Notice that the word and is not used when naming a whole number.
Name the number in words.
Begin with the leftmost digit, which is 8. It is in the trillions place. | eight trillion |
The next period to the right is billions. | one hundred sixty-five billion |
The next period to the right is millions. | four hundred thirty-two million |
The next period to the right is thousands. | ninety-eight thousand |
The rightmost period shows the ones. | seven hundred ten |
Putting all of the words together, we write as eight trillion, one hundred sixty-five billion, four hundred thirty-two million, ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred ten.
Name each number in words:
nine trillion, two hundred fifty-eight billion, one hundred thirty-seven million, nine hundred four thousand, sixty-one
Name each number in words:
seventeen trillion, eight hundred sixty-four billion, three hundred twenty-five million, six hundred nineteen thousand, four
A student conducted research and found that the number of mobile phone users in the United States during one month in was Name that number in words.
Identify the periods associated with the number.
Name the number in each period, followed by the period name. Put the commas in to separate the periods.
Millions period: three hundred twenty-seven million
Thousands period: five hundred seventy-seven thousand
Ones period: five hundred twenty-nine
So the number of mobile phone users in the Unites States during the month of April was three hundred twenty-seven million, five hundred seventy-seven thousand, five hundred twenty-nine.
The population in a country is Name that number.
three hundred sixteen million, one hundred twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred thirty nine
One year is seconds. Name that number.
thirty one million, five hundred thirty-six thousand
We will now reverse the process and write a number given in words as digits.
Write the following numbers using digits.
ⓐ Identify the words that indicate periods.
Except for the first period, all other periods must have three places. Draw three blanks to indicate the number of places needed in each period. Separate the periods by commas.
Then write the digits in each period.
Put the numbers together, including the commas. The number is
ⓑ Identify the words that indicate periods.
Except for the first period, all other periods must have three places. Draw three blanks to indicate the number of places needed in each period. Separate the periods by commas.
Then write the digits in each period.
The number is
Notice that in part ⓑ , a zero was needed as a place-holder in the hundred thousands place. Be sure to write zeros as needed to make sure that each period, except possibly the first, has three places.
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