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The faculty at Widener University’s School of Human Service Professions Center for Education (CfE) has committed itself to meeting the challenges of preparing education professionals who can lead schools and school districts to higher student achievement. Consequently, we have entered the initial phase of transforming our school leadership certification programs. The purpose of this paper is to describe our initial steps to redesign our educational administration leadership programs to be more responsive to the leadership demands of the 21st century. This paper will focus on five components of that transition and discuss the details and challenges involved with implementing the changes.
This manuscript has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and sanctioned by the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) as a significant contribution to the scholarship and practice of education administration. This Volume 10, Number 1 is also archived in the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation (Supplemental Link). Authors: Brenda O'Hern, Susan Schaming McNiff, Bernard R. Brogan, and Antonia D’Onofrio-De Geus, Widener University


In Leading to Learn, a recent report funded by the Wallace Foundation, Olson calls attention to the need for traditional leadership training programs to “focus less on creating efficient managers” and more on “preparing individuals who can lead a school to higher student achievement” (2007, p.6). This observation comes at a time when school leadership training programs have been under increased scrutiny (Harchar, 2006). In perhaps the most notable of criticisms, Levin (2005) claimed that the quality of most leadership preparation programs ranges from “inadequate to appalling” (p. 24). Setting aside the argument of whether these criticisms are fair, it is certain that university leadership preparation programs must rethink their purpose and mission. Standards and accountability, a dominant force in the PK-12 environment where most students in educational administration programs work, is quickly becoming the expectation in higher education preparations as well. Designing, implementing, and evaluating a standards-based school leadership program raises important questions and presents special challenges to traditional leadership training programs.

The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC), formed in 1994, is comprised of many of the players who have a stake in educational leadership including many states, professional organizations, and universities. This consortium has developed a common set of standards that are having significant influence in school leadership training programs, licensure, and candidate assessment (Hessel&Holloway, 2002). The six ISLLC standards focus on the following: (a) developing a shared vision within schools; (b) creating cultures that support learning; (c) ensuring safe, efficient, and effective learning; (d) collaborating with the broad community; (e) acting in a fair and ethical fashion; (f) understanding the socioeconomic, legal, political and cultural contexts of schools. These standards are useful in assessing the capacity of current and prospective administrators to integrate formal knowledge with performance and reflective practice (Hoyle, 2004).

Questions & Answers

the definition for anatomy and physiology
Watta Reply
what is microbiology
Agebe Reply
What is a cell
Odelana Reply
what is cell
how does Neisseria cause meningitis
Nyibol Reply
what is microbiologist
Muhammad Reply
what is errata
is the branch of biology that deals with the study of microorganisms.
Ntefuni Reply
What is microbiology
Mercy Reply
studies of microbes
when we takee the specimen which lumbar,spin,
Ziyad Reply
How bacteria create energy to survive?
Muhamad Reply
Bacteria doesn't produce energy they are dependent upon their substrate in case of lack of nutrients they are able to make spores which helps them to sustain in harsh environments
But not all bacteria make spores, l mean Eukaryotic cells have Mitochondria which acts as powerhouse for them, since bacteria don't have it, what is the substitution for it?
they make spores
what is sporadic nd endemic, epidemic
Aminu Reply
the significance of food webs for disease transmission
food webs brings about an infection as an individual depends on number of diseased foods or carriers dully.
explain assimilatory nitrate reduction
Esinniobiwa Reply
Assimilatory nitrate reduction is a process that occurs in some microorganisms, such as bacteria and archaea, in which nitrate (NO3-) is reduced to nitrite (NO2-), and then further reduced to ammonia (NH3).
This process is called assimilatory nitrate reduction because the nitrogen that is produced is incorporated in the cells of microorganisms where it can be used in the synthesis of amino acids and other nitrogen products
Examples of thermophilic organisms
Shu Reply
Give Examples of thermophilic organisms
advantages of normal Flora to the host
Micheal Reply
Prevent foreign microbes to the host
they provide healthier benefits to their hosts
They are friends to host only when Host immune system is strong and become enemies when the host immune system is weakened . very bad relationship!
what is cell
faisal Reply
cell is the smallest unit of life
cell is the smallest unit of life
cell is the structural and functional unit of life
is the fundamental units of Life
what are emergency diseases
Micheal Reply
There are nothing like emergency disease but there are some common medical emergency which can occur simultaneously like Bleeding,heart attack,Breathing difficulties,severe pain heart stock.Hope you will get my point .Have a nice day ❣️
define infection ,prevention and control
I think infection prevention and control is the avoidance of all things we do that gives out break of infections and promotion of health practices that promote life
Heyy Lubega hussein where are u from?
en français
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Source:  OpenStax, Ncpea education leadership review, volume 10, number 1; february 2009. OpenStax CNX. Jun 05, 2009 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10630/1.9
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