The pure oscillation (containing only one frequency)
This formula can be obtained without computing integrals by noting
Its power is
[link] ).
The perfect
low (frequency) pass function:
and more general (to pass exactly the frequencies
are symmetric and real. Plancherel's formula allows to
compute the energy of the
More generally, the energy of
amounts to
Note that the sinc is not time-limited; it can't be by the Heisenberg principlesince it is bandlimited.
The Dirac function
is often symbolically written as
Clearly, the Dirac function is not really a function, and
it has infinite energy. However,most manipulations work fine also for
This is again an illustration of the Heisenberg principle. The Dirac function isthe extreme case which is sharply located in time,
but has no characteristic frequency (all frequencies are present with equal strength).The properties of the Dirac function are best understood
in terms of integrals:
As a special case, the convolution with a function
is again
For the shifted Dirac function
we have
short, convolution with
produces a shift by
Double exponential:
Note that
and its Fourier transform
are real and symmetric.
The power spectrum is
. Since
is not
differentiable at 0, the Fourier transform
decays somewhat slowly: high frequencies
are quite strong in this signal in order to make the sharp peak at 0.With this example, we may compute the energy directly:
One-sided Exponential:
The Fourier transform
is complex with power spectrum
is not even continuous at 0, the Fourier transform
decays even slower
than for the double exponential: high frequenciesare even stronger in this signal in order to make the jump at 0.
With this example, we may verify Plancherel's theorem:
The Gaussian Kernel is practically invariant under the Fourier transform (see
Comment 5 )
Here, it is easy to
via a substitution
The computation is somewhat harder and yields
Comment 5 From Probability theory, we know that (see “characteristic function of a Gaussian distribution”)
Now replace
and multiply with
to find the Fourier transform.
For the energy:
where we use in the last step, that
constitutes the probability density of a Gaussian variable with
, and thus integrates to 1.
The Mexican Hat (also called Ricker Wavelet in Geophysics) is the
negative second derivative of the Gaussian:
Both, the Gaussian kernel and the Mexican hat are very useful since
they are well located both in space and in frequency (see
[link] ), meaning that the main portion of their energy stems
from a narrow range of locations as well as a narrow range of frequencies.Thus, the may be used as low-pass, respectively band-pass filters.
The Mexican hat is a wavelet; wavelets are used to determine which frequenciescontribute the main portion of the energy at a specific time. To this end, a wavelet
needs to be well localized in time as well as in frequency.
The Dirac Comp (peigne de Dirac) of step
To verify this formula, we choose the integration interval
and write
The Fourier-representation becomes
This formula will be crucial in the reconstruction formula in the Nyquist-Shannon Theorem. Note: One should not try to evaluate
; indeed, it is not really a function, since it is formed
by Dirac terms. Even its power is infinite.