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This module explains vector multiplication in a format that is accessible to blind students.

Table of contents



This module is part of a book (or collection) designed to make physics concepts accessible to blind students. The collection is intended to supplement but not to replace thetextbook in an introductory course in high school or college physics.

This module explains vector multiplication in a format that is accessible to blind students.


In addition to an Internet connection and a browser, you will need the following tools (as a minimum) to work through the exercises in these modules:

  • A graph board for plotting graphs and vector diagrams ( (External Link) ).
  • A protractor for measuring angles ( (External Link) ).
  • An audio screen reader that is compatible with your operating system, such as the NonVisual Desktop Access program (NVDA), which is freelyavailable at (External Link) .
  • A refreshable Braille display capable of providing a line by line tactile output of information displayed on the computer monitor ( (External Link) ).
  • A device to create Braille labels. Will be used to label graphs constructed on the graph board.

The minimum prerequisites for understanding the material in these modules include:

  • A good understanding of algebra.
  • An understanding of the use of a graph board for plotting graphs and vector diagrams ( (External Link) ).
  • An understanding of the use of a protractor for measuring angles ( (External Link) ).
  • A basic understanding of the use of sine, cosine, and tangent from trigonometry ( (External Link) ).
  • An introductory understanding of JavaScript programming ( (External Link) and (External Link) ).
  • An understanding of all of the material covered in the earlier modules in this collection.

Viewing tip

I recommend that you open another copy of this document in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the figures while you are reading about them.


  • Figure 1 . Facts worth remembering for the dot product.
  • Figure 2 . Facts worth remembering for the cross product.

Supplemental material

I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive collection of online programming tutorials. You will find a consolidated index at www.DickBaldwin.com .


You learned about vector addition and vector subtraction in earlier modules. It is also possible to multiply vectors. That capability will become importantin future modules.

Questions & Answers

why we learn economics ? Explain briefly
ayalew Reply
why we learn economics ?
why we learn economics
profit maximize for monopolistically?
Usman Reply
what kind of demand curve under monopoly?
Mik Reply
what is the difference between inflation and scarcity ?
Abdu Reply
What stops oligopolists from acting together as a monopolist and earning the highest possible level of profits?
why economics is difficult for 2nd school students.
Siraj Reply
what does mean opportunity cost?
Aster Reply
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Solomon Reply
what is inflation
Nasir Reply
what is demand
what is economics
economics theory describes individual behavior as the result of a process of optimization under constraints the objective to be reached being determined by
Economics is a branch of social science that deal with How to wise use of resource ,s
Economic Needs: In economics, needs are goods or services that are necessary for maintaining a certain standard of living. This includes things like healthcare, education, and transportation.
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ex play supply?
Money market is a branch or segment of financial market where short-term debt instruments are traded upon. The instruments in this market includes Treasury bills, Bonds, Commercial Papers, Call money among other.
murana Reply
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umar Reply
Examine the distinction between theory of comparative cost Advantage and theory of factor proportion
Fatima Reply
What is inflation
Bright Reply
a general and ongoing rise in the level of prices in an economy
What are the factors that affect demand for a commodity
Florence Reply
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Source:  OpenStax, Accessible physics concepts for blind students. OpenStax CNX. Oct 02, 2015 Download for free at https://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11294/1.36
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