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Burton, Henry (1629.). Truth's triumph ouer Trent, or, The great gulfe betweene Sion and Babylon. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1631]). Grounds of Christian religion. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1632.). The Christians bulvvarke, against Satans battery, or, The doctrine of iustification. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1635?]). A brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath day. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1636.). For God, and the King. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1636]). A divine tragedie lately acted, or, A collection of sundry memorable examples of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers, and other like libertines, in their unlawfull sports, happening within the realme of England, in the compass only of two yeares last past, since the booke was published. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1640]). A replie to a relation, of the conference between William Laude and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1641.). A most godly sermon. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1641.). Englands bondage and hope of deliverance. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1641.). The humble petitions of Mr. Burton and Dr. Bastwicke. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1644.). A vindicaton of churches, commonly called Independent, or, A briefe answer to two books. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1644]). The grand impostor vnmasked, or, A detection of the notorious hypocrisie and desperate impiety of the late Archbishop, so styled, of Canterbury. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1645.). A full and satisfactorie ansvvere to the Arch-bishop of Canterbvries speech, or, Funerall sermon preached by himselfe on the Tower-hill, on Friday the tenth of Ianuary, 1645, upon Hebr. 12. 1, 2 at which time he was there and then beheaded. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, Henry (1660.). Jesu-vvorship confuted, or, Certain arguments against bowing at the name Jesus. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1590]). A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church in Norwich, the xxi. day of December, 1589. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1591.). Certaine questions and answeres, concerning the knovvledge of God. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1592]). [Dauids euidenece [sic], or, The assurance of Gods loue]. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1593.). A caueat for suerties. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1594.). An exposition of the Lords Prayer. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1594.). Conclusions of peace, betweene God and man. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1595.). The rowsing of the sluggard, in 7. sermons. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1598.). Dauids thanksgiuing for the arraignement of the man of earth. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1602.). Ten sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Matthew. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1608.). The Christians heauenly treasure. EEBO-TCP.
Burton, William (1658.). A commentary on Antoninus, his Itinerary, or, Journies of the Romane Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain. EEBO-TCP.
Bury, Richard de (1345 1888). The Love of Books: the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury. EarlyUVa.
Busbecq, Ogier Ghislain de (1694.). The four epistles of A.G. Busbequius concerning his embassy into Turkey. EEBO-TCP.
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