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Anonymous (). A briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled, Naturall and artificiall conclusions. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A briefe chronologie of the holie scriptures. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A briefe description of the notorious life of Iohn Lambe. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A briefe treatise concerning the burnynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Quene Mary. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A bvll from Rome, consisting of 15 pardons for delinquents in these kingdomes. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A catalogue of ancient and modern musick books, both vocal and instrumental. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Caueat or vvarning for all sortes of men both young and olde to auoid the company of lewd and wicked women. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A certaine relation of the hog-faced gentlewoman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, who was borne at Wirkham a neuter towne betweene the Emperour and the Hollander, scituate on the river Rhyne. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Chaleng sent from Prince Rupert and the Lord Grandison to Sir Wjlljam Belford. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Christian letter of certaine English protestants, vnfained fauourers of the present state of religion, authorised and professed in England, vnto that reverend and learned man, Mr R. Hoo. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A collection of poems written upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A collection of prayers and thanksgivings, used in His Majesties chappel, and in his armies. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chauncery. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A comfortable new ballad of a dreame of a sinner .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A common-place-book out of The rehearsal transpros'd. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A commyssion sent to the bloudy butcher byshop of London. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints of diuers of our country men in these our dayes. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A compendyouse somme of the very Christen relygyon. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Congratulatory poem on the Whigg's entertainment. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A constant wife and a kind wife, a loving wife and a fine wife, which gives content unto a mans life. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A continuation of a former relation concerning the entertainment giuen to Prince His Highnesse by the King of Spaine in his court at Madrid. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Copie of a letter vvritten from His Holinesse court at Rome to His Grace of Canterburies palace now in the tower. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A copie of a letter wyth articles. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A coppy of Generall Lesley's letter to Sir Iohn Svckling. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Coppy of the prisoners jvdgment condemned tody [sic] from Nvgate on Mundaie the 13 of Decemb. 1641. EEBO-TCP.
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