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Anonymous ( 1623 ). Homily on the True and Lively Faith. TACT.
Anonymous ( 1623 ). Homily on the Worthy Receiving of the Sacrament. TACT.
Anonymous ( 1623 ). Of them Which Take Offence at Certain Places of Holy ScriptuRE. TACT.
Anonymous ( 1623 ). Preliminaries: Book II. TACT.
Anonymous ( 1623 ). Preliminaries. TACT.
Anonymous (). [A Ballad of King Henry II and the miller of Mansfield]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [A full] description of these times, or The Prince of Orange's march from Exeter to London. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [A mery playe bothe pytthy and pleasaunt of albyon knyghte]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [A parte of a register]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W. Charke and Meredith Hanmer]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [Here begynneth a lytell treatyse called, the (myrrour or lokynge glasse of lyfe) for co[m]fortyng of the soule]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [Here endeth ye hystorye of Olyuer of Castylle, and of the fayre Helayne]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [Jest, o]r, A Pretty iest of a bride and a bridegroome. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The abbaye of the Holy Ghost]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The Complaynt of Scotland]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The cronycles of Englond]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The midwi]ves ghost .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The noble history of King Ponthus]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The Ploughman's tale]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The remedy against the troubles of temptations]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The] Drunkards dyall, or, [Go]od Sir, your nose is durty. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [The] Judgment of the reformed churches. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). [Thus endeth the secrete of secretes of Arystotle]. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A Batchelers resolution, or, Have among you now, widowes or maydes .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A book of dravving, limning, vvashing or colouring of maps and prints. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A booke of Christian exercise. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A booke of epitaphes made vpon the death of the right worshipfull Sir VVilliam Buttes knight. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A brief deduction of the case between George Carew Esqr. administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, debts and credits of Sr. William Courten, knight deceased unadministred with his will annexed, plaintiff. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A brief enquiry into the ancient constitution and government of England. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A brief fourme of confession. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A brief narrative of a strange and wonderful old woman that hath a pair of horns growing upon her head. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A brief narrative of the late treacherous and horrid designe which by the great blessing and especiall providence of God hath been lately discovered. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande. EEBO-TCP.
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