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Borri, Cristoforo (1633.). Cochin-China. EEBO-TCP.
Bossewell, John (1572. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.). VVorkes of armorie. EEBO-TCP.
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1672].). An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholique Church in the points of controversie with those of the pretended reformation. EEBO-TCP.
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1699.). Maxims and reflections upon plays. EEBO-TCP.
Bosworth, William (1653.). The chast and lost lovers living shadowed in the person of Arcadius and Sepha. EEBO-TCP.
Bosworth, William (1653). Bosworth: The Chast and Lost Lovers (1653). CH.
Botero, Giovanni (1601.). The trauellers breuiat, or, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world. EEBO-TCP.
Botero, Giovanni (1606.). A treatise, concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes. EEBO-TCP.
Botero, Giovanni (1630.). Relations of the most famous kingdomes and common-wealths thorowout the world. EEBO-TCP.
Bouhours, Dominique (1688.). The life of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, apostle of the Indies, and of Japan. EEBO-TCP.
Bourcher, Arthur (1589.). A worthy mirrour, vvherein you may marke, an excellent discourse of a breeding larke. EEBO-TCP.
Bourman, Nicholas (1571. October. 2.). An epytaphe vpon the death of the Right Reuerent Father in God I. Iuell, Doctor of Diuinitie and Bishop of Sarisburie. who deceased the. 22. of September 1571. EEBO-TCP.
Bouvet, Joachim (1699.). The history of Cang-Hy, the present emperour of China. EEBO-TCP.
Bowle, John (1615.). A sermon preached at Flitton in the countie of Bedford. EEBO-TCP.
Bowle, John (1616.). A sermon preached at Mapple-Durham in Oxfordshire, and published at the request of Sir Richard Blount. EEBO-TCP.
Bowles, Edward (1643.). Plaine English, or, A discourse concerning the accommodation, the armie, the association. EEBO-TCP.
Bowles, Edward (1643.). The mysterie of iniqvity yet working in the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the destruction of religion truly Protestant. EEBO-TCP.
Bowles, Edward (1646.). Manifest truth, or, An inversion of truths manifest. EEBO-TCP.
Bowles, Edward (1655.). The dutie and danger of swearing. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Elizabeth (1727). Variety: a poem in two cantos. Humbly offered to the god of change. WWP.
Boyd, Robert (1628.). A spirituall hymne, or, The sacrifice of a sinner. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1629.). The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1629.). The last battell of the soule in death. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1629.). Two sermons, for these who are to come to the table of the Lord. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1639.). A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1640.). Foure letters of comforts, for the deaths of the Earle of Hadingtoun, and of the Lord Boyd, with two epitaphs. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1648.). The Psalms of David in meeter. EEBO-TCP.
Boyd, Zacharie (1648.). The songs of the Old and New Testament in meeter. EEBO-TCP.
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