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Bible, King James(). Titus, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.
Bible, King James(). Tobit, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha). EarlyUVa.
Bible, King James(). Wisdom of Solomon, from The holy Bible, King James version (Apocrypha) . EarlyUVa.
Bible, King James(). Zechariah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.
Bible, King James(). Zephaniah, from The holy Bible, King James version. EarlyUVa.
Biddle, Ester (1660.). A warning from the Lord God of life and power. EEBO-TCP.
Biddle, Hester (1660). A warning from the Lord God of life and power, unto thee O city of London. WWP.
Biddle, Hester (1662). The Trumpet of the Lord sounded forth unto these three nations. WWP.
Bieston, Roger([1554?]). Bieston: The bayte and snare of fortune [1554?]. CH.
Billing, Edward (1665.). A certaine sound, or, An alarm sounded to the persecuting episcopalians in and about the cities of London&Westminster. EEBO-TCP.
Billingsley, Nicholas (1657). Billingsley: Brachy-Martyrologia (1657). CH.
Billingsley, Nicholas (1658). Billingsley: The infancy of the world (1658). CH.
Billingsley, Nicholas (1667). Billingsley: Qesauro-fulakion: or, A treasury of divine raptures (1667). CH.
Bilson, Thomas (1585]). The true difference betweene Christian subiection and unchristian rebellion. EEBO-TCP.
Bilson, Thomas (1593.). The perpetual gouernement of Christes Church. EEBO-TCP.
Bilson, Thomas (1599.). The effect of certaine sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Iesus. EEBO-TCP.
Bilson, Thomas (1603.). A sermon preached at Westminster before the King and Queenes Maiesties, at their coronations on Saint Iames his day, being the 28. of Iuly. 1603. EEBO-TCP.
Bilson, Thomas (1604]). The suruey of Christs sufferings for mans redemption. EEBO-TCP.
Binning, Hugh (1666 [i.e. 1667]). The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism. EEBO-TCP.
Binning, Hugh (1670.). The sinners sanctuary, or, A discovery made of those glorious priviledges offered unto the penitent and faithful under the Gospel. EEBO-TCP.
Binning, Hugh (1671.). Fellowship with God, or, XXVIII sermons on the I Epistle of John, chap. 1 and 2. EEBO-TCP.
Binning, Hugh (1693.). An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved. EEBO-TCP.
Biondi, Giovanni Francesco (1641-1646.). An history of the civill vvares of England betweene the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke. EEBO-TCP.
Birchensha, Ralph (1602). Birchensha: A Discourse (1602). CH.
Birckbek, Simon (1635.). The Protestants evidence. EEBO-TCP.
Birckbek, Simon (1647.). A cordiall for a heart-qualme, or, Severall heavenly comforts for all those who suffer any worldly crosse or calamity. EEBO-TCP.
Birkenhead, John (1666.). A new ballad of a famous German prince and a renowned English duke. EEBO-TCP.
Blackborow, Sarah (1659.). Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world. EEBO-TCP.
Blackbourn, Richard (1688.). Clitie. EEBO-TCP.
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