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Beaumont, Francis (1620.). Phylaster, or, Loue lyes a bleeding. EEBO-TCP.
Beaumont, Francis (1661.). Wit withovt money. EEBO-TCP.
Beaumont, Francis(). The knight of the burning pestle . OTA.
Beaumont, John (1694.). A postscript to a book published last year entituled Considerations on Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth. EEBO-TCP.
Beaumont, Joseph (1648.). Psyche, or, Loves mysterie. EEBO-TCP.
Beaumont, Joseph (1665.). Some observations upon the apologie of Dr. Henry More for his mystery of godliness. EEBO-TCP.
Beaumont, Joseph (1880). Beaumont, Joseph: The complete poems (1880). CH.
Beaumont, Joseph (1914). Beaumont, Joseph: The Minor Poems (1914). CH.
Beaumont, S. J. (1625). The theatre of Apollo. . RE.
Beaumont, Sir John (1602). Beaumont, John: The Metamorphosis of Tabacco (1602). CH.
Beaumont, Sir John (1629). Beaumont, John: Bosworth-field (1629). CH.
Beaumont, Sir John (1869). Beaumont, J.: The Poems (1869). CH.
Becanus, Martinus (1610]). The confutation of Tortura Torti, or, Against the King of Englands chaplaine. EEBO-TCP.
Becanus, Martinus (1612]). The English iarre, or, Disagreement amongst the ministers of great Brittaine, concerning the Kinges supremacy.. EEBO-TCP.
Beck, Sarah (1680.). A certain and true relation of the heavenly enjoyments and living testimonies of God's love unto her soul, participated of from the bountiful hand of the Lord, and communicated to her in the time of her weakness of body. EEBO-TCP.
Becke, Edmund([1550]). A brefe confutacion of this ... anabaptistical opinion, that Christ dyd not take hys flesh of the blessed vyrgyn Mary... For the maintenaunce whereof J. Bucher was burned the .ii. day of May M.D.L.. TUDOR.
Becon, Thomas (1541?].). Newes out of heauen. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1542. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Per Septennium.). Dauids harpe ful of moost delectable armony. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1542.). A Christmas bankette garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty disshes. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1542.). A newe pathway vnto praier. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1542.). A potacio[n] or dri[n]kynge for this holi time of le[n]t. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1542.). The new pollecye of warre. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1543.). A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1543].). A pleasaunt newe nosegaye. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1543]). An inuectyue agenst the moost wicked [and]detestable vyce of swearing. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1547?]). A newe dialog betwene thangell of God,&the shepherdes in the felde. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1548]). The solace of the soule agaynst the bytter stormes of sycknes and deathe. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1549?]). The castell of comforte. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1549]). The physyke of the soule. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1550?]). The iewel of ioye. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1550.). The fortresse of the faythfull agaynst [ye] cruel assautes of pouertie and honger. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1550].). [The flour of godly praiers]. EEBO-TCP.
Becon, Thomas (1551?]). A fruitful treatise of fasting. EEBO-TCP.
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