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Barlow, William (1601.). A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, on the first Sunday in Lent: Martij 1. 1600. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1604.). The svmme and svbstance of the conference. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1606.). One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1606.). The sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the tenth day of Nouember. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1607.). A brand, Titio erepta. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1609.). An answer to a Catholike English-man. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1613.). Psalmes and hymnes of praier and thanksgiuing. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1618.). A breife discouery of the idle animaduersions of Marke Ridley Doctor in Phisicke vpon a treatise entituled, Magneticall aduertisements. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (1618.). Magneticall aduertisements, or, Diuers pertinent obseruations, and approued experiments, concerning the natures and properties of the load-stone. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William (28 daye of Iuly the yere of oure lorde. 1531 by Wyllyam Rastell wyth the pryuylege of our souereyn lord kyng Henry [the] .viii. [and]no ma[y] prynt [the]same agayn withi[n] [the]space of .vii. yere next e[n]suing, 1531]). A dyaloge descrybyng the orygynall grou[n]d of these Lutheran faccyons, and many of theyr abusys. EEBO-TCP.
Barlow, William, Bishop of Chichester (1530). Barlow, W.: A proper dyaloge (1530). CH.
Barlow, William, Bishop of Chichester([1528]). Barlow, W.: Rede me and be nott wrothe [1528]. CH.
Barlow, William, Bp. of St. Asaph and of Chichester. (1529?). A proper dyaloge, betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, eche complaynenge ... the ambicion of the clergye. TUDOR.
Barlow, William? (1528). Rede me and be nott wrothe. TUDOR.
Barnard, John (1683.). Theologo-Historicus, or, The true life of the most reverend divine, and excellent historian, Peter Heylyn .... EEBO-TCP.
Barnes, (Master) (1541?). The treatyse answerynge the boke of berdes. Compyled by Collyn clowte. TUDOR.
Barnes, Barnabe (1593). Barnes, B.: Parthenophil and Parthenophe (1593). CH.
Barnes, Barnabe (1593].). Parthenophil and Parthenophe. EEBO-TCP.
Barnes, Barnabe (1595.). A divine centurie of spirituall sonnets. EEBO-TCP.
Barnes, Barnabe (1595). Barnes, B.: A Divine Centvrie of Spirituall Sonnets (1595). CH.
Barnes, Barnabe (1606.). Foure bookes of offices. EEBO-TCP.
Barnes, Barnabe (1607.). The Diuils charter. EEBO-TCP.
Barnfield, Richard (1594.). The affectionate shepheard. EEBO-TCP.
Barnfield, Richard (1594). Barnfield: Greenes Funeralls (1594). CH.
Barnfield, Richard (1594). Barnfield: The Affectionate Shepheard (1594). CH.
Barnfield, Richard (1595). Barnfield: Cynthia (1595). CH.
Barnfield, Richard (1598). Barnfield: The Encomion of Lady Pecunia (1598). CH.
Barnfield, Richard (1599). Barnfield: Poems in The Passionate Pilgrime (1599). CH.
Barnfield, Richard (1605.). Lady Pecunia, or, The praise of money. EEBO-TCP.
Barnfield, Richard (1605). Barnfield: A Combat betwixt Conscience and Covetousnesse (1605). CH.
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