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Anonymous (). The Sale of Esau's birth-right, or, The New Buckingham ballad. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The second and third advice to a painter, for drawing the history of our navall actions, the two last years, 1665 and 1666. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The second part of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution, or, A Christian directory, guiding all men vnto their saluation.. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The second part of the first booke of the Myrrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The second part of the Myrror of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The second tome of homilees. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The seconde parte of the booke of Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution, or, A Christian directorie, guiding all men to their saluation.. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Secret history of the four last monarchs of Great-Britain, viz. James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The sentence of Samuel Johnson. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The seueral rates and taxations for wages, made [and] set forth by the Iustices of peace of the Countie of Rutland. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Shee-devil of Petticoat-Lane, or, A true and perfect relation of a sad accident which befel Mr. Freeland at the Kings-head in Petticoat-Lane near White-Chappel-Bars on Friday last, Jully 20, 1666. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The shepardes kalender. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Siluer age, or, The VVorld turned backward. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The sixt lampe of virginitie. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The sixth booke of the Myrrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Songs to the new play of Don Quixote. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The sorrowful lamentation of the widdows of the west for the death of their deceased husbands .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The sovereigns prerogative and the subjects priviledge. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Spanish decameron, or, Ten novels .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The statutes prohemium Iohannis Rastell. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The story of David and Berseba. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The strange and marueilous newes lately come from the great kingdome of Chyna. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The summarie of certaine reasons. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The surfeit. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The svpplication of all the papists of England to King James at his first comming to the crowne for a tolleration of their religion. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The testaments of the [twelue] patriarches. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The third advice to a painter, how to draw the effigies of the whore of Rome. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The third part of the first booke, of the Mirrour of knighthood. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The tragedye of Solyman and Perseda. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The treasury of deuotion. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico campo, barber chirurgion to Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The triumph of truth. EEBO-TCP.
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