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Anonymous (). The proclamacion made and de[vised by the] kynges hyghnesse our soueraygne lorde and his honorable counsaile .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The promisse of matrimonie. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Protestants' doom in popish times. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The protestation of the Generall Assemblie of the Church of Scotland, and of the noblemen, barons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers and commons; subscribers of the Covenant, lately renewed, made in the high Kirk, and at the Mercate Crosse of Glasgow, the 28, and 29. of November 1638. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Psalmes of David the king and prophet. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Psalter of Dauid in Englyshe. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Quaker turn'd Jevv. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Queenes Maiestie hauyng not long since geuen her louyng subiectes knowledge by proclamation, of certayne forrayne coynes of golde brought into this realme, of muche lesse value then Angels of golde of this realme, and yet stamped so like to the same Angels, as it was harde without diligent markynge therof .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Queenes Maiestie hearyng by reporte of some of the subiectes of her good brother the kyng of Spayne, that notwithstandyng both the seueritie of iustice diuers tymes extended by her maiestie agaynst sundry pirates .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that certayne malicious persons haue of late tyme caused a report to be made in forren partes, that a great part of such armour and prouisions of warre as by her Maiestie hath of late yeres ben made in Germany for her owne vse, should be transported into the countries of Russia .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Queenes Maiesties entertainement at VVoodstock. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Queens closet opened. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be ... to absteyne form kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Quenes Maiestie vnderstanding that there be certaine persons, hauing in times past the office of ministery in the churche, which nowe do purpose to vse their former office in preaching and ministery .... EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The remonstrance of the nobility, barrones, burgesses, ministers and commons within the kingdome of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The reporte of a bloudie and terrible massacre in the citty of Mosco. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The representation, propositions, and protestation of divers ministers, elders and professors, for themselves, and in name of many others, well-affected ministers, elders, and people in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Restor'd maiden-head. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The reuengers tragædie. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Roman martyrologe. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The royal remembrancer, or, A healing letter. EEBO-TCP.
Anonymous (). The Sad condition of a distracted kingdome, expressed, in a fable of Philo the Jew. EEBO-TCP.
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