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Stillingfleet, Edward (1698.). Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy. EEBO-TCP.
Stillingfleet, Edward (1698.). The bishop of Worcester's answer to Mr. Locke's second letter. EEBO-TCP.
Stillingfleet, Edward (1698.). Thirteen sermons preached on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Stillingfleet, Edward (1700.). Reformation of manners the true way of honouring God. EEBO-TCP.
Stirling, William Alexander (1630.). The mapp and description of Nevv-England. EEBO-TCP.
Stokes, David (1668.). Verus Christianus, or, Directions for private devotions and retirements. EEBO-TCP.
Stone, Samuel (1652.). A congregational church is a catholike visible church, or, An examination of M. Hudson his vindication concerning the integrality of the catholike visible church. EEBO-TCP.
Storer, Thomas (1599.). The life and death of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall. EEBO-TCP.
Storer, Thomas (1599). Storer: The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey (1599). CH.
Story, Thomas (1698.). A word to the well-inclin'd of all perswasions. EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John (1565]). A summarie of Englyshe chronicles. EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John (1598.). A suruay of London. EEBO-TCP.
Strachan, William (1694.). Some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence. EEBO-TCP.
Strada, Famiano (1650.). De bello Belgico. EEBO-TCP.
Stradling, George (1692.). Sermons and discourses upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Stradling, Sir John (1623). Stradling: Beati Pacifici (1625). CH.
Stradling, Sir John (1625). Stradling: Divine Poems (1625). CH.
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth (1641.). The Earle of Straffords speech on the scaffold before he was beheaded on Tower-hill, the 12 of May, 1641. EEBO-TCP.
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth (1680.). The Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons then assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves and of all the Commons in England, begun in Westminster-Hall the 22th of March 1640, and continued before judgment was given until the 10th of May, 1641. EEBO-TCP.
Streater, John (1659.). A letter sent to his Excellency the Lord Fleetwood. EEBO-TCP.
Strode, William (1642.). Master Strovvd his speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of January. EEBO-TCP.
Strode, William (1644.). A sermon concerning death and the resurrection, preached in St. Maries, at Oxford, on Low Sunday, April the 28. 1644. EEBO-TCP.
Strode, William (1644.). A sermon concerning svvearing. EEBO-TCP.
Strode, William (1907). Strode: The poetical works (1907). CH.
Strong, James (1674.). Joanereidos, or, Feminine valour. EEBO-TCP.
Strong, James (1676.). Balm in Gilead, or, A spur to repentance. EEBO-TCP.
Struther, William (1628.). Christian observations and resolutions, or, The daylie practise of the renewed man, turning all occurrents to spirituall uses, and these uses to his vnion with God. EEBO-TCP.
Struther, William (1628.). Scotlands warning, or, A treatise of fasting. EEBO-TCP.
Struther, William (1632.). A looking glasse for princes and people. EEBO-TCP.
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