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Raleigh, Walter (1667.). Sir Walter Rawleighs judicious and select essayes and observations. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1679.). Reliquiæ Raleighanæ. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1681.). The pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1692.). The arts of empire and mysteries of state discabineted. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1693.). An introduction to a breviary of the history of England. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1696.). Select observations of the incomparable Sir Walter Raleigh. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1697.). The secrets of government and misteries of state. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1698.). An abridgement of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the world. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1700.). A discourse of sea-ports. EEBO-TCP.
Raleigh, Walter (1700.). A discourse of sea-ports. EEBO-TCP.
Ramazzini, Bernardino (1697.). The Abyssinian philosophy confuted, or, Tellvris theoria neither sacred not agreeable to reason. EEBO-TCP.
Ramsey, John (1548 [STC]). A plaister for a galled horse. TUDOR.
Ramsey, Laurence([1577?]). Ramsey: The practise of the Diuell [1577?]. CH.
Ramsey, Laurence([1579]). Ramsey: A short Discourse of mans fatall end [1579]. CH.
Ramus, Petrus (1636.). Via regia ad geometriam.. EEBO-TCP.
Ramus, Petrus (1651.). A compendium of the art of logick and rhetorick in the English tongue. EEBO-TCP.
Ranchin, Guillaume (1638]). A revievv of the Councell of Trent. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1630].). Aristippus, or, The Ioviall philosopher. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1632.). The jealous lovers. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1638]). Poems. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1642.). The high and mightie commendation of the vertue of a pot of good ale. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1643.). The muses looking-glasse. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1651.). A pleasant comedie, entituled Hey for honesty, down with knavery. EEBO-TCP.
Randolph, Thomas (1652). Randolph, T.: Poems (1652). CH.
Rankins, William (1587.). A mirrour of monsters. EEBO-TCP.
Rankins, William (1588.). The English ape, the Italian imitation, the footesteppes of Fraunce. EEBO-TCP.
Rankins, William (1598.). Seauen satyres applyed to the weeke. EEBO-TCP.
Rankins, William (1598). Rankins: Seauen Satyres (1598). CH.
Rankins, William (1600). Rankins: [A Sonnet to the Muses Garden, in] Bel-vedére (1600). CH.
Rapin, René (1672.). Of gardens. EEBO-TCP.
Rapin, René (1674.). Reflections on Aristotle's treatise of poesie. EEBO-TCP.
Rapin, René (1694.). Monsieur Rapin's Comparison of Thucydides and Livy. EEBO-TCP.
Rastell, John (1520?]). A new iuterlude [sic]and a mery of the nature of the .iiii. element declarynge many proper poynt of phylosophy naturall, and of dyuers straunge landys. EEBO-TCP.
Rastell, John (1525]). A new co[m]modye in Englysh in maner of an enterlude ryght elygant [and] full of craft of rethoryk, wherein is shewd [and]dyscrybyd as well the bewte [and] good propertes of women, as theyr vycys [and]euyll co[n]dicio[n]s, with a morall co[n]clusion [and]exhortacyon to vertew. EEBO-TCP.
Rastell, John (1525]]). Of gentylnes and nobylyte. EEBO-TCP.
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