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Mulcaster, Richard (1603). Mulcaster: The Translation of certaine latine verses (1603). CH.
Mulcaster, Richard(). The first part of the elementarie which entreateth chieflie of the right writing of our English tung . OTA.
Multibibus, Blasius (1617]). A solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke, briefely shadowing the lavv of drinking. EEBO-TCP.
Munda, Constantia (1617). The worming of a mad dogge: or, a soppe for Cerberus the jaylor of Hell. WWP.
Munday, Anthony (1579.). The mirrour of mutabilitie, or, Principall part of the Mirrour for magistrates. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1579). Munday: The Mirrour of Mutabilitie (1579). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1579). Munday: To All Curteous and Freendly Readers (1579). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1580.). Zelauto, The fountaine of fame. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1580). Munday: The paine of pleasure (1580). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1580). Munday: Zelavto. The Fovntaine of Fame. CH.
Munday, Anthony (1581.). A courtly controuersie, betweene looue and learning. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1582.). A breefe and true reporte, of the execution of certaine traytours at Tiborne, the xxviii. and xxx. dayes of Maye. 1582. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1582.). A breefe aunswer made vnto two seditious pamphlets, the one printed in French, and the other in English. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1582.). The English Romayne lyfe. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1582). Munday: A breefe Aunswer made unto two seditious Pamphlets (1582). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1584.). A vvatch-vvoord to Englande. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (1588). Munday: A banqvet of daintie conceits (1588). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1600). Munday: Poems from Englands Helicon (1600). CH.
Munday, Anthony (1601.). The death of Robert, Earle of Huntington. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony (29. of Ianua. 1582.). A discouerie of Edmund Campion, and his confederates, their most horrible and traiterous practises, against her Maiesties most royall person and the realme. EEBO-TCP.
Munday, Anthony([1581]). Munday: The true reporte of the prosperous successe [1581]. CH.
Mure, Sir William, of Rowallan (1898). Mure: The Works (1898). CH.
Mure, William (1640.). A counter-buff to Lysimachus Nicanor. EEBO-TCP.
Mure, William (1641]). Caledons complaint against infamous libells,&c.. EEBO-TCP.
Mure, William (1650.). The cry of blood and of a broken covenant. EEBO-TCP.
Murray, David (1611.). The tragicall death of Sophinisba. EEBO-TCP.
Murray, David (1615.). A paraphrase of the CIV. Psalme. EEBO-TCP.
Murray, David (1628]). The complaint of the shepheard Harpalus. EEBO-TCP.
Murray, David, of Gorthy (1611). Murray, David: The Tragicall Death of Sophonisba (1611). CH.
Murray, David, of Gorthy (1615). Murray: A paraphrase of the CIV. Psalme (1615). CH.
Musaeus (1616.). The divine poem of Musæus.. EEBO-TCP.
Musaeus (1645.). [Erotopaignion]. EEBO-TCP.
Musgrave, Christopher (1688.). Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine. EEBO-TCP.
Musgrave, John (1646.). Another word to the wise, shewing that the delay of justice is great injustice. EEBO-TCP.
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