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Meadows, Philip (1677]). A narrative of the principal actions occurring in the wars betwixt Sueden and Denmark before and after the Roschild Treaty. EEBO-TCP.
Mede, Joseph (1638]). Churches, that is, appropriate places for Christian vvorship. EEBO-TCP.
Mede, Joseph (1641.). The apostasy of the latter times. EEBO-TCP.
Mede, Joseph (1642-1648.). Diatribae. EEBO-TCP.
Mede, Joseph (1643.). Daniels weekes. EEBO-TCP.
Mede, Joseph (1672.). The works of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D., sometime fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge. EEBO-TCP.
Medina, Pedro de (1581]). The arte of nauigation. EEBO-TCP.
Medwall, Henry (1529 and 1535]). Nature. EEBO-TCP.
Mela, Pomponius (1585.). The vvorke of Pomponius Mela. the cosmographer, concerninge the situation of the world. EEBO-TCP.
Melanchthon, Philipp (1548]). A waying and considering of the Interim. EEBO-TCP.
Melvill, Elizabeth (1606). A godlie dreame. WWP.
Melville, Elizabeth, Lady Calville of Culross (1603). Melville, E.: Ane Godlie Dreame (1603). CH.
Melville, James (1597.). Ane fruitful and comfortable exhortatioun anent death. EEBO-TCP.
Melville, James (1683.). The memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-hill. EEBO-TCP.
Melville, James, Minister of Kilrenny (1589). Melville, J.: A spiritvall propine (1589). CH.
Melville, James, Minister of Kilrenny (1634). Melville, J.: The black bastel (1634). CH.
Menewe, Gracious (1555?]). A confutacion of that popishe and antichristian doctryne, whiche mainteineth ye ministracyon and receiuing of the sacrament under one kind. EEBO-TCP.
Menewe, Gracious (1555?]). A plaine subuersyon or turnyng vp syde down of all the argumentes, that the Popecatholykes can make for the maintenaunce of auricular confession. EEBO-TCP.
Mennes, John (1654.). Recreation for ingenious head-peeces, or, A pleasant grove for their wits to walk in. EEBO-TCP.
Mennes, John (1658.). Wit restor'd. EEBO-TCP.
Menton, L (1698.). Pecuniæ obediunt omnia. EEBO-TCP.
Merbecke, John (1579.). The holie historie of King Dauid. EEBO-TCP.
Merbecke, John (1581.). A booke of notes and common places,. EEBO-TCP.
Meres, Francis (1597.). Gods arithmeticke. EEBO-TCP.
Meres, Francis (1598). Palladis Tamia: Wit's Treasury - A Comparative Discourse of our English Poets, with the Greek, Latin, and Poems. ElizAuth.
Meres, Francis (1634.). Wits common wealth. EEBO-TCP.
Meriton, Thomas (1658.). Love and war. EEBO-TCP.
Meriton, Thomas (1658.). The wandring lover. EEBO-TCP.
Merret, Christopher (1670.). The accomplisht physician, The honest apothecary, and The skilful chyrurgeon. EEBO-TCP.
Mervyn, Audley (1662.). Two speeches. EEBO-TCP.
Metham, John (1916). Metham: The Works (1916). CH.
Mewe, William (1643.). The robbing and spoiling of Jacob and Israel. EEBO-TCP.
Mexía, Pedro (1623.). The imperiall historie, or, The liues of the emperours, from Iulius Cæsar, the first founder of the Roman monarchy, vnto this present yeere. EEBO-TCP.
Meyer, Albrecht (1589.). Certaine briefe, and speciall instructions for gentlemen, merchants, students, souldiers, marriners,&c. employed in seruices abrode, or anie way occasioned to conuerse in the kingdomes, and gouernementes of forren princes. EEBO-TCP.
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