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Manton, Thomas (1684.). A second volume of sermons. EEBO-TCP.
Manton, Thomas (1685.). Christs eternal existence, and the dignity of his person asserted and proved. EEBO-TCP.
Manton, Thomas (1685.). Christs temptation and transfiguration. EEBO-TCP.
Manton, Thomas (1685.). Several discourses tending to promote peace&holiness among Christians. EEBO-TCP.
Manton, Thomas (1693.). A fourth volume containing one hundred and fifty sermons on several texts of Scripture. EEBO-TCP.
Manton, Thomas (1694.). Advice to mourners under the loss of dear relations. EEBO-TCP.
Map, Walter (1598.). Phillis and Flora. EEBO-TCP.
Maplet, John (1567 (3 June)). A greene forest, or, A naturall historie. EEBO-TCP.
Marandé, Léonard de (1629.). The iudgment of humane actions. EEBO-TCP.
Marbeck, John (1579). Marbeck: The holie Historie of King Dauid (1579). CH.
Marbecke, Roger (1602.). A defence of tabacco. EEBO-TCP.
March, John (1647.). Actions for slaunder, or, A methodicall collection under certain grounds and heads of what words are actionable in the law and what not. EEBO-TCP.
March, John (1677.). A sermon preached before the Right Worshipful the mayor, recorder, aldermen, sheriff,&c. of the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, on the 30th of January 1676/7, at St. Nicholas their parish church. EEBO-TCP.
March, John (1682.). Th' encænia of St. Ann's Chappel in Sandgate, or, A sermon preached May 3, 1682 before the right worshipful, the mayor, aldermen, sheriff&c. of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne. EEBO-TCP.
March, John (1699.). Sermons preach'd on several occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Marchmont, Patrick Hume (1700.). The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, etc., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Marckant, John (1559] the xxviii. of April.). The purgacion of the ryght honourable lord Wentworth. EEBO-TCP.
Mardeley, John (1548?). Here is a shorte resytal of certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not in the sacrament ... collected in myter. TUDOR.
Mardeley, John (1548?]). Here beginneth a necessarie instruction for all couetous ryche men to beholde [and]learne what perel [and] daunger they be brought into, yf they haue theyr consolacion in theyr daungerous and myserable Mammon. EEBO-TCP.
Mardeley, John (1548?]). Here is a shorte resytal of certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not conteyned in the Sacrame[n]t of the Lordes supper but fyguratyuely. EEBO-TCP.
Mardeley, John (1548). Mardeley: A declaration of thee power of Gods worde (1548). CH.
Mardeley, John (1548]). A declaration of thee power of Gods worde. EEBO-TCP.
Mardeley, John([1548?]). Mardeley: Here is a shorte Resytal of certayne holy Doctours [1548?]. CH.
Mardeley, John([1548]). Mardeley: A necessarie instruction [1548]. CH.
Marguerite (1548. in Apryll]). A godly medytacyon of the Christen sowle, concerninge a loue towardes God and Hys Christe,. EEBO-TCP.
Markham, Gervase (1593.). A discource of horsmanshippe. EEBO-TCP.
Markham, Gervase (1595.). The most honorable tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile, Knight. EEBO-TCP.
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