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Leslie, John (1569.). A defence of the honour of the right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Quene of Scotlande and dowager of France. EEBO-TCP.
Leslie, John (1572.). A table gathered ouut of a booke named A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England. EEBO-TCP.
Leslie, John (1572]). The copie of a letter writen out of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Lessius, Leonardus (1621.). The treasure of vowed chastity in secular persons.. EEBO-TCP.
Lessius, Leonardus (1634.). Hygiasticon, or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age. EEBO-TCP.
Leti, Gregorio (1669.). Il nipotismo di Roma, or, The history of the popes nephews from the time of Sixtus the IV to the death of the last Pope Alexander the VII. EEBO-TCP.
Leven, Alexander Leslie (12, 1644.). A Letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Christopher (1607.). A crucifixe, or, A meditation vpon repentance, and, the holie passion. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Christopher (1607.). Queene Elizabeths teares, or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Christopher (1607). Lever, C.: Queene Elizabeths teares (1607). CH.
Lever, Christopher (1608.). Heauen and earth, religion and policy, or, The maine difference betweene religion and policy. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Christopher (1618.). The holy pilgrime, leading the way to heaven, or, A diuine direction in the way of life, containing a familiar exposition of such secrets in diuinity, as may direct the simple in the way of their Christian pilgrimage. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Christopher (1627.). The historie of the defendors of the Catholique faith. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Ralph (1563?]). The most noble, auncient, and learned playe, called the Phiosophers [sic]game. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Ralph (1573. These bookes are to be solde at his shop at the northvvest dore of Paules church, [1573]). The arte of reason, rightly termed, witcraft. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Thomas (1550]). A fruitfull sermon made in Poules churche at London in the shroudes, the seconde daye of February. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Thomas (1550]). A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the xiiii day of December. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Thomas (1550]). A sermon preached the thyrd Sondaye in Lente before the kynges Maiestie, and his honorable counsell. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Thomas (1551.). A meditacion vpo[n] the the [sic]lordes praier. EEBO-TCP.
Lever, Thomas (1575). A treatise of the right way fro[m] danger of sinne&vengeance in this wicked world, vnto godly wealth and saluation in Christe /. EEBO-TCP.
Lewicke, Edward (1937). Lewicke: Titus and Gisippus (1937). CH.
Lewis, John (1620.). Ignis cœlestis, or, An interchange of diuine love betweene God and his saints.. EEBO-TCP.
Lewis, John (1624.). The vnmasking of the masse-priest. EEBO-TCP.
Lewis, John (1659.). Eyaggeloigrapha, or, Some seasonable and modest thoughts, in order to the furtherance and promoting the affairs of religion, and the gospel, especially in Wales. EEBO-TCP.
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