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Harris, Benjamin (1679.). A short, but just account of the tryal of Benjamin Harris. EEBO-TCP.
Harris, Joseph (1691.). The mistakes, or, The false report. EEBO-TCP.
Harris, Joseph (1696.). The city bride, or, The merry cuckold. EEBO-TCP.
Harris, Joseph (1699.). Love's a lottery and a woman the prize. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, John (1619.). A short relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia, with his royall&vertuous Ladie Elizabeth, and the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the crowne of that kingdome. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, John (1619].). The Messiah already come, or, Profes [sic]of Christianitie. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, John (1633.). The tragicall life and death of Muley Abdala Melek the late King of Barbarie. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, John (1649.). Nahash redivivus in a letter from the Parliament of Scotland, directed to the Honorable William Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, John (1683.). A thanksgiving sermon for discovery of the late phanatick plot, September 9, 1683. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, Robert (1583]). [A little treatise vppon the firste verse of the 122. Psalm]. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, Robert (1672.). Two sermons lately preached at the Assizes in St. Maries Church in Leicester. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, Robert (1682.). A strange relation of the suddain and violent tempest, which happened at Oxford May 31, Anno Domini 1682. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, Stephen (1604]). The arch's of triumph erected in honor of the high and mighty prince. Iames. the first of that name. King, of England. and the sixt of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, Thomas (1690.). Political aphorisms, or, The true maxims of government displayed. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, William (1602.). Deaths aduantage little regarded, and The soules solace against sorrow. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, William (1625.). A plaine and profitable exposition, of the parable of the sower and the seede. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, William (1634.). The christian life and death, of Mistris Katherin Brettergh. EEBO-TCP.
Harrison, William (1639.). Tvvo treatises. EEBO-TCP.
Harriss, Charles (1669.). The woolf under sheeps-clothing discovered, or, The spirit of Cain, appearing in the Bishop of Liechfield, reproved. EEBO-TCP.
Hart, William (1608.). The examinations, arraignment&conuiction of George Sprot, notary in Aye-mouth. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Christopher (1640.). The synagogue, or, The shadow of the temple. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Christopher (1640). Harvey, C.: The synagogue (1640). CH.
Harvey, Christopher (1647.). Schola cordis, or, The heart of it selfe, gone away from God. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Christopher (1647). Harvey, C: Schola cordis (1647). CH.
Harvey, Gabriel (1593.). A nevv letter of notable contents. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Gabriel (1593.). Pierces supererogation, or, A new prayse of the old asse. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Gideon (1665.). A discourse of the plague. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Gideon (1666.). Morbus anglicus, or, The anatomy of consumptions. EEBO-TCP.
Harvey, Gideon (1670.). Little Venus unmask'd, or, A perfect discovery of the French pox. EEBO-TCP.
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