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Guilpin, Edward (1601). Guilpin, E.: The Whipper of the Satyre his pennance in a white Sheete (1601). CH.
Gulter, Giles (1641.). The archbishops crveltie made knowne in a true story of one Mr. Edward Rood who was minister at Saint Helens in Abingdon, and dismissed of his meanes and ministery by him. EEBO-TCP.
Gunning, Peter (1662.). The Paschal or Lent-Fast, apostolical&perpetual. EEBO-TCP.
Guthrie, James (1653.). A humble acknowledgment of the sins of the ministery of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Guthrie, James (1661.). The true and perfect speech of Mr. James Guthrey, late minister of Sterling. EEBO-TCP.
Guthrie, James (1690.). A treatise of ruling elders and deacons. EEBO-TCP.
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Guy, Richard (1635?]). The country-mans new care away. EEBO-TCP.
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Guyon, Madame(). Song of Songs of Solomon / Explanations and Reflections having Reference to the Interior Life. CCEL.
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H. B. (1634.). The opinion, judgement, and determination of two reverend, learned, and conformable divines of the Church of England, concerning bowing at the name, or naming of Jesus. EEBO-TCP.
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H. D. (1583.). A godlie and fruitfull treatise of faith and workes. Wherein is confuted a certaine opinion of merit by workes, which an aduersary to the gospell of Christ Iesu, held in the conference, had in the Tower of London. EEBO-TCP.
H. R (1600.). Haigh for Deuonshire. EEBO-TCP.
Habermann, Johann (1579.). The enimie of securitie, or, A dailie exercise of godly meditations. EEBO-TCP.
Habervesl z Habernfeldu, Ondrej (1680.). A true narrative of the Popish-plot against King Charles I and the Protestant religion. EEBO-TCP.
Habington, William (1640.). Castara. EEBO-TCP.
Habington, William (1640.). The historie of Edvvard the Fourth, King of England. EEBO-TCP.
Habington, William (1640.). The Queene of Arragon. EEBO-TCP.
Habington, William (1641.). Observations vpon historie. EEBO-TCP.
Habington, William (1948). Habington: Poems (1948). CH.
Haddon, Walter (1565?]). A sight of the Portugall pearle. EEBO-TCP.
Haddon, Walter (1581.). Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues. EEBO-TCP.
Hagthorpe, John (1622.). Diuine meditations, and elegies. EEBO-TCP.
Hagthorpe, John (1622). Hagthorpe: Divine Meditations (1622). CH.
Hagthorpe, John (1623.). Visiones rerum. EEBO-TCP.
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