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Goddard, William([1599]). Goddard: A mastif whelp [1599]. CH.
Goddard, William([1616?]). Goddard: Satirycall dialogue [1615]. CH.
Godefroy, Jacques (1673.). The history of the United Provinces of Achaia. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1601.). A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1603]). To the parson, vicar or curate, of [blank]and to everie of them. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1625?]). The succession of the bishops of England since the first planting of Christian religion in this island. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1628]). Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII Edvvardo VI. et Maria regnantibus, annales. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1629.). Nuncius inanimatus. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1657.). The man in the moone, or, A discourse of a voyage thither. EEBO-TCP.
Godwin, Francis (1689?]). The character of Thomas Merkes, Bishop of Carlisle. EEBO-TCP.
Godwyn, Thomas (1684.). Phanatical tenderness, or, The charity of the non-conformists. EEBO-TCP.
Goedaert, Johannes (1682.). Of insects. EEBO-TCP.
Goffe, Thomas (1627.). Deliuerance from the graue. EEBO-TCP.
Goffe, Thomas (1631.). The raging Turke, or, Baiazet the Second. EEBO-TCP.
Goffe, Thomas (1632.). The couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First. EEBO-TCP.
Goffe, Thomas (1633.). The tragedy of Orestes. EEBO-TCP.
Goffe, Thomas (1656.). The careles shepherdess. EEBO-TCP.
Gold, R (1700.). The dream. EEBO-TCP.
Golding, Arthur (1567). Golding: Ovid's Metamorphosis (1567). CH.
Golding, Arthur (1567). The Fifteen Books of Ovid's Metamorphoses. ElizAuth.
Golding, Arthur (1573.). A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Saunders, a worshipfull citizen of London. EEBO-TCP.
Golding, Arthur (1577). Golding: A Tragedie of Abrahams Sacrifice (1577). CH.
Golding, Arthur (1580]). A discourse vpon the earthquake that hapned throughe this realme of Englande, and other places of Christendom, the first of Aprill. 1580. betwene the houres of fiue and six in the euening. EEBO-TCP.
Goldwel, Henry (1581]). A briefe declaratio[n]of the shews, deuices, speeches, and inuentions, done&performed before the Queenes Maiestie,&the French ambassadours, at the most valiaunt and worthye triumph, attempted and executed on the Munday and Tuesday in VVhitson weeke last, anno 1581. EEBO-TCP.
Gomberville, M. Le Roy(1647.). The history of Polexander. EEBO-TCP.
Gomersall, Robert (1633). Gomersall: Poems (1633). CH.
Gomersall, Robert (1633]). Poems. EEBO-TCP.
Gomersall, Robert (1634.). Sermons on St Peter. EEBO-TCP.
González de Mendoza, Juan (1588.). The historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the situation thereof. EEBO-TCP.
Good, Thomas (1674.). Firmianus and Dubitantius, or, Certain dialogues concerning atheism, infidelity, popery, and other heresies and schisme's that trouble the peace of the church and are destructive of primitive piety. EEBO-TCP.
Good, Thomas (1675]). To the right honorable, the right worshipful, and the reverend, the lords, knights, gentlemen, and clergy, of the diocess and county of Worcester. EEBO-TCP.
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