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Fowler, William (1914 –1940). Fowler: The Works (1914 –1940). CH.
Fox, Edward (7. day of Nouembre, 1531 cum priuilegio.). The determinations of the moste famous and mooste excellent vniuersities of Italy and Fraunce, that it is so vnlefull [sic] for a man to marie his brothers wyfe, that the pope hath no power to dispence therewith. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, G. (1653-1663). Selected Epistles of George Fox. . RE.
Fox, George (1624-1691)(). Autobiography of George Fox. CCEL.
Fox, George (1658.). The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, George (1660.). A battle-door for teachers&professors to learn singular&plural. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, George (1678.). A New-England-fire-brand quenched. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, George(). An Autobiography. TACT.
Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1660.). False prophets, antichrists, deceivers. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1664.). The examination and tryall of Margaret Fell and George Fox (at the severall assizes held at Lancaster the 14th and 16th days of the first moneth, 1663, and the 29th of the 6th moneth, 1664) for their obedience to Christs command who saith, swear not at all. EEBO-TCP.
Fox, Margaret Askew Fell (1664.). Two general epistles to the flock of God, where-ever they are dispersed on the face of the earth .... EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1563). Actes and monuments. WWP.
Foxe, John (1578.). A sermon preached at the christening of a certaine Iew. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1579.). Christ Iesus triumphant. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1580.). Papa confutatus. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1580.). The Pope confuted. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1583.). Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1615.). Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1631.). A blowe for the Pope. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1672.). Christus triumphans. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1677.). Martyrologia alphabetike, or, An alphabetical martyrology. EEBO-TCP.
Foxe, John (1694.). Of free justification by Christ. EEBO-TCP.
Fréart, Roland (1664.). A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern. EEBO-TCP.
Fréart, Roland (1668.). An idea of the perfection of painting. EEBO-TCP.
Fracastoro, Girolamo (1686.). Syphilis, or, A poetical history of the French disease. EEBO-TCP.
Francis de Sales, St. (1567-1622)(). Treatise on the Love of God. CCEL.
Francis of Sales, St. (1567-1622)(). Introduction to the Devout Life. CCEL.
Francis, Philip (1644?]). The answer of Philip Francis, merchant, late major of the borrough of Plymouth, in the county of Devon. EEBO-TCP.
Franck, Richard (1687.). A philosophical treatise of the original and production of things. EEBO-TCP.
Franck, Richard (1694.). Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Francklin, Thomas (1642.). An epistle written from Lucifer, Prince of Darkness. EEBO-TCP.
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