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Fifteen Joys of Marriage, The([1509]). [Anon.]: The fyftene Joyes of maryage [1509]. CH.
Filmer, Robert (1653.). Quæstio quodlibetica, or, A discourse whether it may bee lawfull to take use for money. EEBO-TCP.
Filmer, Robert (1679].). The free-holders grand inquest touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament. EEBO-TCP.
Filmer, Robert (1680.). Patriarcha, or, The natural power of Kings. EEBO-TCP.
Finch, Anne (Kingsmill), Countess of Winchilsea (1713). Miscellany poems, on several occasions. WWP.
Finch, Anne (Kingsmill), Countess of Winchilsea (1713). Miscellany poems, on several occasions. WWP.
Finch, B. (1805). Sonnets, and other poems: to which are added tales in prose.. WWP.
Fisher, Jasper (1536 [i.e. 1636]). The priest's duty&dignity. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Jasper (1633.). Fuimus Troes. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, John, Student in Oxford (1558). Fisher: [Three Dialogues] (1558). CH.
Fisher, Samuel (1653.). Baby-baptism meer babism, or, An answer to nobody in five words to every-body who finds himself concern'd in't. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1655.). A love-token for mourners. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1655.). Christianismus redivivus. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1659]). To the Parliament of England, and the several members thereof. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1660?]). One antidote more, against that provoking sin of swearing, by reason of which this land now mourneth. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1660.). Rusticus ad academicos in exercitationibus expostulatoriis, apologeticis quatuor. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1662.). The bishop busied beside the business, or, That eminent overseer, Dr. John Gauden, Bishop of Exeter, so eminently overseen as to wound his own cause well nigh to death with his own weapon. EEBO-TCP.
Fisher, Samuel (1673.). Honour the king. EEBO-TCP.
Fitz-Geffry, Charles (1637.). Compassion towards captives. EEBO-TCP.
Fitzgeffrey, Charles (1596). Fitzgeffrey, C.: Sir Francis Drake (1596). CH.
Fitzgeffrey, Charles (1636). Fitz-geffrey, C.: The Blessed Birth-day (1636). CH.
Fitzgeffrey, Henry (1617). Fitzgeffrey, H.: Satyres and Satyricall Epigrams (1617). CH.
Fitzgeffrey, Henry (1618.). Certain elegies, done by sundrie excellent wits. EEBO-TCP.
Fitzherbert, Anthony (1579]). In this booke is contayned the offices of shyriffes, bayliffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners. EEBO-TCP.
Fitzherbert, Thomas (1602.). A defence of the Catholyke cause. EEBO-TCP.
Fitzherbert, Thomas (1613]). An adioynder to the supplement of Father Robert Persons his discussion of M. Doctor Barlowes ansvvere&c.. EEBO-TCP.
Fitzjames, Richard (1495?]]). Sermo die lune in ebdomada Pasche. EEBO-TCP.
Flacius Illyricus, Matthias (1552?]]). Wonderfull newes of the death of Paule the. iii. last byshop of Rome. EEBO-TCP.
Flacius Illyricus, Matthias (1564. These bookes are to be sold at hys shop vnder the gate, [1564]). A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII.. EEBO-TCP.
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