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Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1685). Dillon: Essay on translated verse (1685). CH.
Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1714). Dillon, W.: Poems on several occasions (1714). CH.
Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1717). Dillon: Poems (1717). CH.
Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1749). Dillon: The works of the Earl of Roscommon (1749). CH.
Diodorus (1569.). A righte noble and pleasant history of the successors of Alexander surnamed the Great, taken out of Diodorus Siculus. EEBO-TCP.
Ditchfield, Edward (1625.). Considerations touching the nevv contract for tobacco. EEBO-TCP.
Dixon, Sarah (1740). Poems on several occasions. WWP.
Docwra, Anne (1683]). An epistle of love and good advice to my old friends&fellow-sufferers in the late times, the old royalists and their posterity. EEBO-TCP.
Dod, Henry (1603.). Certaine Psalmes of Dauid, heretofore much out of vse. EEBO-TCP.
Dod, John (1611.). Foure godlie and fruitful sermons. EEBO-TCP.
Doddridge, John (1629.). The lavvyers light, or, A due direction for the study of the law. EEBO-TCP.
Dodwell, Henry (1698.). Reflexions on a pamphlet entitled, Remarks on the occasional paper, numb. VIII. EEBO-TCP.
Donaldson, James (1697.). Husbandry anatomized, or, An enquiry into the present manner of teiling and manuring the ground in Scotland for most part. EEBO-TCP.
Donaldson, James (1698.). A pick-tooth for swearers, or, A looking glass for atheists and prophane persons. EEBO-TCP.
Done, John (1650.). A miscellania of morall, theologicall and philosophicall sentances. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, J. (1621). The First and Second Anniversaries. . RE.
Donne, J. (1633). Juvenilia: Or Certain Paradoxes and Problems. . RE.
Donne, John (1572-1631)(). Death's Duel. CCEL.
Donne, John (1572-1631)(). John Donne's Devotions. CCEL.
Donne, John (1572-1631)(). John Donne's Sermon Preached at the Spital. CCEL.
Donne, John (1572-1631)(). Sermon Preached to the Lords upon Easter-day, at the Communion. CCEL.
Donne, John (1610.). Pseudo-martyr. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1611.). An anatomy of the vvorld. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1611.). Ignatius his conclaue. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1611]]). Conclaue Ignati, siue, Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis in thronisatio. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1612.). The first anniuersarie. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1622.). A sermon vpon the XX. verse of the V. chapter of the booke of Ivdges. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1623.). Three sermons vpon speciall occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1624.). Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1624). Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. TACT.
Donne, John (1626.). A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24 Febr. 1625.. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1627.). A sermon of commemoration of the Lady Da[n]uers. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1630). Death's Duel. TACT.
Donne, John (1632]). Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body. EEBO-TCP.
Donne, John (1633.). Iuuenilia, or, Certaine paradoxes and problemes. EEBO-TCP.
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