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Day, John (1607.). The trauailes of the three English brothers. EEBO-TCP.
Day, John (1659.). The blind-beggar of Bednal-green. EEBO-TCP.
Day, Richard (1578.). A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs. EEBO-TCP.
Day, Thomas (1583]). VVonderfull straunge sightes seene in the element, ouer the citie of London and other places. EEBO-TCP.
De la Barre (1630].). A note of such things as were stollen in Lyons, on Munday night the eleventh of June 1630, in the house which is knowne by the signe of the Sunnes-rising in the street de la Poullaillerie in the said citie of Lyons. EEBO-TCP.
De La March, John (1641.). A complaint of the false prophets mariners upon the drying up of their hierarchicall Euphrates. EEBO-TCP.
De la Warr, Thomas West (1611.). The relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of the colonie, planted in Virginea. EEBO-TCP.
De Vere, Edward, 17th Earl of Oxford (1872). De Vere, E.: Poems (1872). CH.
Deacon, John (1601.). A summarie ansvvere to al the material points in any of Master Darel his bookes. EEBO-TCP.
Deacon, John (1601.). Dialogicall discourses of spirits and divels. EEBO-TCP.
Deacon, John (1616.). Tobacco tortured, or, The filthie fume of tobacco refined. EEBO-TCP.
Deacon, Prudentiana Sales, Francis de (1632). Delicious entertainments of the soule [introductory material]. WWP.
Deageant, Guichard (1690.). The memoires of Monsieur Deageant. EEBO-TCP.
Dean, John (1681). Dean: The Wine-Cooper's Delight (1681). CH.
Dean, John (1682). Dean: Iter Boreale (1682). CH.
Dean, John (1682). Dean: The Hunting of the Fox (1682). CH.
Dean, John (1683). Dean: The Lord Russels Last Farewel to the World (1683). CH.
Dean, John (1683). Dean: The Loyal Conquest (1683). CH.
Dean, John (1684). Dean: Oate's Bug-Bug-Boarding-School (1684). CH.
Dean, John([1680?]). Dean: The Badger in the Fox-Trap [1680?]. CH.
Dean, John([1680]). Dean: The Dutch-Miller [1680]. CH.
Decius, Theophilus Philanax Gerusiphilus Philalethes (1642.). An Answer to the Lord George Digbies apology for himself published Jan 4, Anno Dom. 1642. EEBO-TCP.
Dee, John (1577. In Septemb.] [1577]). General and rare memorials pertayning to the perfect arte of nauigation. EEBO-TCP.
Dee, John (1599. At London : Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill at the signe of the Starre, [1599]]). A letter, containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall. EEBO-TCP.
Dee, John (1603. At London : Printed by E. Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill neere to the end of old Fish-streete, at the signe of the Starre, [1604?]]). To the Honorable assemblie of the Commons in the present Parlament. EEBO-TCP.
Dee, John (1603. At London : Printed by E. Short, dwelling on Bred-streete hill neere to the end of old Fish-streete, at the signe of the Starre, [1604]]). To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. EEBO-TCP.
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