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Cunningham, Alexander (1689.). An essay concerning church government. EEBO-TCP.
Cunningham, Alexander (1690.). Some questions resolved concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian government in Scotland. EEBO-TCP.
Cunningham, Alexander (1690.). The divine right of episcopacy demonstrated from Calvin and Beza. EEBO-TCP.
Curione, Celio Secondo (1566?]). Pasquine in a traunce. EEBO-TCP.
Curteys, Richard (1573.). A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by the reuerende Father in God the Bishop of Chichester, at Grenewiche, the 14[th] day of Marche 1573. EEBO-TCP.
Cushing, Caroline Elizabeth (Wilde) (1832). Letters, descriptive of public monuments, scenery, and manners in France and Spain. Vol. I, France. WWP.
Cushing, Eliza Lanesford (1824). Saratoga; a tale of the revolution. WWP.
Cushing, Eliza Lanesford (1824). Saratoga; a tale of the revolution. WWP.
Cutler, Edward (1622?]). A pleasant new song of the backes complaint, for bellies wrong, or, A farwell to good fellowship. EEBO-TCP.
Cutts, John Cutts (1685.). La muse de cavalier, or, An apology for such gentlemen as make poetry their diversion, not their business : in a letter from a scholar of Mars to one of Apollo. EEBO-TCP.
Cutts, John Cutts (1687.). Poetical exercises written upon several occasions. EEBO-TCP.
Cutts, John Cutts (1695.). On the death of the Queen. EEBO-TCP.
Cutts, John, 1st Baron Cutts (1687). Cutts, J.: Poetical Exercises (1687). CH.
Cutts, John, 1st Baron Cutts (1695). Cutts, J.: On the Death of the Queen (1695). CH.
Cyprian (1534]). A svvete and deuoute sermon of holy saynt Ciprian of mortalitie of man.. EEBO-TCP.
Cyprian (1539]). A sermon of S. Cyprian made on the Lordes prayer. EEBO-TCP.
Cyprian (1682.). Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera. EEBO-TCP.
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (1682.). Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera recognita&illustrata a Joanne Fello, Oxoniensi episcopo. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, sive, Tredecim annorum, quibus S. Cyprianus inter Christianos versatus est, brevis historia chronologicè delineata a Joanne Pearsonio, Cestriensi episcopo.. EEBO-TCP.
Cyrano de Bergerac (1659.). Selenarhia, or, The government of the world in the moon. EEBO-TCP.
D'Avenant, William (1650.). A discourse upon Gondibert. EEBO-TCP.
D'Avenant, William (1651.). Gondibert. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ewes, Simonds (1641.). A speech delivered in the House of Commons, July 7th: 1641. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ewes, Simonds (1642.). A speech made in Parliament by Sir Simon Dvcy knight on Twesday the eleventh of Ianuary. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ewes, Simonds (1642.). Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ewes, Simonds (1645]). The primitive practise for preserving the truth, or, An historicall narration, shewing what course the primitive church anciently, and the best reformed churches since have taken to suppresse heresie and schisme. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ewes, Simonds (1682.). The journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. EEBO-TCP.
D'Ouvilly, George Gerbier (1657.). The false favourit disgrac'd. and, The reward of loyalty.. EEBO-TCP.
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