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Cowper, William (1694.). Myotomia reformata, or, A new administration of all the muscles of humane bodies. EEBO-TCP.
Cowper, William (1698.). The anatomy of humane bodies. EEBO-TCP.
Cox, Leonard (1532].). The art or crafte of rhetoryke. EEBO-TCP.
Cox, Nicholas (1686.). The gentleman's recreation. EEBO-TCP.
Cox, Robert (1656.). Acteon&Diana. EEBO-TCP.
Cradock, Walter (1648.). Glad tydings, from Heaven to the worst of sinners on earth. EEBO-TCP.
Cragge, John (1641.). Great Britains prayers in this dangerous time of contagion. EEBO-TCP.
Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1604). Craig: The Poeticall Essayes (1604). CH.
Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1606). Craig: The Amorose Songes, Sonets, and Elegies (1606). CH.
Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1609). Craig: The Poetical Recreations (1609). CH.
Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1623). Craig: Poeticall Recreations (1623). CH.
Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1631). Craig: The pilgrime and heremite (1631). CH.
Craig, Thomas (6 others], 1695.). Scotland's soveraignty asserted. EEBO-TCP.
Crakanthorpe, Richard (1608.). A sermon of sanctification. EEBO-TCP.
Crakanthorpe, Richard (1609.). A sermon at the solemnizing of the happie inauguration of our most gracious and religious soueraigne King Iames. EEBO-TCP.
Crakanthorpe, Richard (1620.). A sermon of predestination. EEBO-TCP.
Crakanthorpe, Richard (1621.). The defence of Constantine. EEBO-TCP.
Crakanthorpe, Richard (1631]). Vigilius dormitans. EEBO-TCP.
Crane, Ralph (1621.). The vvorkes of mercy, both corporall, and spirituall. EEBO-TCP.
Crane, Ralph([1625?]). Crane: The Pilgrimes New-yeares-gift [1625?]. CH.
Cranley, Thomas (1635].). Amanda, or, The reformed whore. EEBO-TCP.
Cranley, Thomas (1636). Cranley: Amanda (1636). CH.
Cranmer, Thomas (1548.). Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people.. EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1550]].). A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ. EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1556?]). The copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye,. EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1556]). A confutatio[n]of vnwritte[n] verities. EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1556]). All the submyssyons, and recantations of. EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1580. Cum gratia&priuilegio, Regiæ Maiestatis.). An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury .... EEBO-TCP.
Cranmer, Thomas (1689.). The judgment of Archbishop Cranmer concerning the peoples right to, and discreet use of the H. Scriptures. EEBO-TCP.
Crashaw, Richard (1634.). Epigrammatum sacrorum liber. EEBO-TCP.
Crashaw, Richard (1646.). Steps to the temple. EEBO-TCP.
Crashaw, Richard (1670.). Steps to the temple. EEBO-TCP.
Crashaw, Richard (1904). Crashaw: Steps to the Temple (1904). CH.
Crashaw, William (1609.). The sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiii. 1607.. EEBO-TCP.
Crashaw, William (1610.). A sermon preached in London before the right honorable the Lord Lavvarre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of Virginea, and others of his Maiesties Counsell for that kingdome, and the rest of the aduenturers in that plantation. EEBO-TCP.
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