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Campion, Thomas (1607.). The discription of a maske, presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, on Twelfth Night last. EEBO-TCP.
Campion, Thomas (1613?]). Tvvo bookes of ayres. EEBO-TCP.
Campion, Thomas (1613.). A relation of the late royall entertainment giuen by the Right Honorable the Lord Knovvles, at Cawsome-House neere Redding: to our most gracious queene, Queene Anne, in her progresse toward the Bathe, vpon the seuen and eight and twentie dayes of Aprill. 1613. EEBO-TCP.
Campion, Thomas (1614.). The description of a maske. EEBO-TCP.
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Campion, Thomas (1625]). A friends aduice. EEBO-TCP.
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Camus, Jean-Pierre (1639). Admirable events: selected out of foure bookes. WWP.
Canning, William (1688.). Gesta Grayorum, or, The history of the high and mighty prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole .... EEBO-TCP.
Capel of Hadham, Arthur Capel (1654.). Certain letters written to severall persons. EEBO-TCP.
Capito, Wolfgang (1539.). An epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditacions vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers. EEBO-TCP.
Capriata, Pier Giovanni (1663.). The history of the wars of Italy from the year MDCXIII to MDCXLIV. EEBO-TCP.
Caradoc (1584 imprinted at London by Rafe Newberie and Henrie Denham, [1584]). The historie of Cambria, now called Wales. EEBO-TCP.
Caradoc (1633?]). Cambria, ou VVallia. EEBO-TCP.
Care, Henry (1681.). Towser the Second, a bull-dog, or, A short reply to Absalon and Achitophel. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, George (1661.). A retrospect into the Kings certain revenue annexed to the crown. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, George (1675?]). To the honnorable the knights, cittizens andburgesses in Parliament assembled the humble petition of George Carew, Esquire. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, George (1675.). A vindication of the severall actions at law, brought against the heires of Sr. Peter Courten, Knight, and Peter Boudaen, merchants deceased. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, George (1675]). Severall considerations offered to the Parliament concerning the improvement of trade, navigation and comerce. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, George (1676.). Fraud and oppression detected and arraigned, or, An appeal to the Parliament of England in a short narative and deduction of severall actions at law. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, Richard (1598.). A herrings tayle. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, Richard (1660].). Excellent helps really found out, tried and had, (whereof the parties hereafter mentioned are true and sufficient witnesses, by a warming-stone in his case, which not costing much, will save much cost in fire, and withall avoid the danger of fire. EEBO-TCP.
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Carew, Richard, of Anthony (1598). Carew R.: A Herrings Tayle (1598). CH.
Carew, Thomas (1640.). Poems. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, Thomas (1640). Carew, T.: Poems 1640 (1969). CH.
Carew, Thomas (1651.). Poems, with a maske. EEBO-TCP.
Carew, Thomas (1651). Carew, T.: Poems, With a Maske (1651). CH.
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