- The achievement gap between
- The achievement gap between
- Reading and math differences
Finally, we suggest that a national panel of experts that be convened to address not only the current achievement gaps that have been present for decades and continue to be present today but more importantly to examine ways in which to rectify this situation. Clearly, school reform efforts to date that have been implemented have not been successful. We argue that such a national effort on reforming schools is essential for the continued economic success of the United States. Considering the rapid increase of Hispanics, not only in Texas but in the United States, not educating Hispanics and students with Limited English Proficiency will result in lower standards of living for all citizens. As the quote attributed to John F. Kennedy (Adler, 2003) in a speech that he gave in Pueblo, Colorado, on August 17, 1962 goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats”, the American educational system needs radical change so that the tide of education can indeed lift all students’ achievement levels. To do otherwise is absolutely unacceptable.
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