this module discusses the effects of filtering of noise
We will see the effects on the power spectrum when noise is passed through a filter.
Filtered output:
is the impulse response, filtered output
obtained by convolution.
Approximate continuous time by discrete interval.
In the interval impulse response is deterministic and known, but
depends on sample chosen,
For white Gaussian noise
in interval k is different from and independent of that in interval l.
Thus output at any time
is a linear superposition of independent Gaussian variables: hence it is Gaussian.
If we split filter
, output of
is Gaussian but NOT white (due to filtering)
Hence output
is also non-white.
is non-white, thus
in intervals k and l are dependent, but despite of this
is Gaussian.
Hence superposition of non-white dependent Gaussian variables also gives Gaussian output.
Spectral components:
Let spectral component k be
Then though coefficients are random over ensemble, they are deterministic for a specific case and depend on the particular sample chosen.
Hence spectral component is stationary but not ergodic.
Its normalized power is
is stationary, t can be any time. Choose t as
when cosine is 1, sine is 0. Then
and similarly
can be written as showing a constant term and a sin-cos time dependent term.
is stationary and independent of time, so
Hence the coefficients are seen to be uncorrelated.
Also at
, we have
. But
is Gaussian as it can be considered output of a narrowband filter whose input is Gaussian.
are Gaussian.
is output of filter in a non zero frequency interval k, it is not DC, thus mean value of
. Hence coefficients are Zero-mean Gaussian.
Taking product of two samples
The ensemble averages of the result must be independent of time as each component is stationary, hence
Hence coefficients at a given frequency are uncorrelated, and also coefficients at different frequencies are uncorrelated.
Summary of noise characteristics:
Random, Gaussian, Ergodic, Linear superposition of random spectral components with coefficients which are Gaussian, zero-mean, with variances related to power spectral density and uncorrelated with each other and with other coefficients at different frequencies.