This gives the model answers of Mid Semester Examination conducted for 2014 EVEN SEMESTER. Electrical Electronic Materials.
Even Semester Mid-Semester Test
Electronic&Electrical Materials_EC1419A
Total Marks:30 Duration:2hrs
Question 1 is compulsory and answer any two out of the remaining three.
Question 1.[15 points]
- I.What are the MKS units of mass, velocity (v), acceleration (a), force, momentum (p), energy ?
Answer: Kg, m/s, m/s
, Newton, Kg-m-s
, Joules.[1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12=1/2Point]
- II.E = E
0 exp[j(ωt – kz)]_ This is an equation of a forward travelling wave. Define ω, t, k and z. What is the velocity of propagation ?
Answer: ω=radians/s, t=second,k=1/m, z = direction of propagation. Velocity of propagation= ω/k (m/s).[1/10+1/10+1/10+1/10+1/10=1/2Point]
- III.ψ = ψ
0 exp[j(ωt-kz)]_This is also a travelling wave. What is ψ
0 and what is │ψ*ψ│?
Answer: ψ
is Probability Amplitude, │ψ*ψ│is Probability Density.[1/4+1/4=1/2Point]
- IV. J = Iω = n[h/(2π)]. This is Bohr’s Law of electrons orbiting the nucleus. Define all the terms.
Answer:J→angular momentum, I→moment of inertia, ω→orbital angular velocity, n→principal quantum number, h→ Planck’s Constant.[1/10+1/10+1/10+1/10+1/10=1/2Point]
- V. Define the four Quantum Numbers n , L, m, s ?
Answer: n →Principal Quantum Number, L→Azimuthial Quantum Number, m→magnetic Quantum Number, s→Spin Quantum Number.[1/8+1/8+1/8+1/8=1/2Point]
- VI. What is COORDINATION NUMBER=N. Si, Ge have DIAMOND Crystal Structure and GaAs is ZINC-BLENDE Crystal Structure. In both crystal structures N = 8. Justify this statement ?
Answer: N→number of atoms belonging to each Unit Cell of the crystal structure. In Diamond structure there are (8corner atoms)×(1/8)+(6 face centered atoms)×(1/2)+(4 body centered atoms)= 8 atoms per unit cell.[1/8+3/8=1/2Point]
- VII. Number density = N
* = 8/a
3 . What is ‘a’ ?
Answer : ‘a’ is the Lattice Parameter.[1/2Point]
- VIII. For Si,Ge and GaAs ‘a’ = 5.43A°, 5.646A° and 5.6533A° respectively. What is A° ?
Answer: A° is Angstrom =10
m = 10
cm .[1/2 Point]
- VIV. Weight of one ------------_= (AW gm/mole)÷ (N
Avo atoms/mole). Fill up the BLANK .
Answer: ATOM [1/2 Point]
- X. Wt of one atom× N
* = ρ . Define the terms ?
Answer: N*→number density, ρ→weight density.[1/4+1/4=1/2Point]
- XI. In HYDROGEN ATOM, electron occupies discrete energy states given by E= -13.6/n
2 . What is the unit of energy and what is ‘n’ ?
Answer: Unit of energy is eV and n→Principal Quantum Number.[1/4+1/4=1/2Point]
- XII. Hydrogen Atoms produce Lyman Series[2→1,3→1,4→1,5→1,6→1], Balmer Series[3→2,4→2,5→2,6→2,7→2]and Paschen Series [4→3,5→3,6→3,7 →3,8 →3] of Spectral lines. What do the square bracket terms mean?
Answer : Square Bracket terms imply transition from Excited States to Ground States.[1/2Point]
- XIII. FCC has 74% parameter and BCC 68% parameter. What is this parameter and what is the full form of FCC and BCC?
Answer: FCC is Face-Centered-Cube and its packing density is 74% and BCC is Body-Centered-Cube and its packing density is 68%.[1/6+1/6+1/6=1/2Point]
α |
Type |
Orientation |
45° |
N |
<111> |
90° |
P |
<100> |
180° |
N |
<100> |
0° |
P |
<111> |