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function x = Kcrot(p,e,K,x)
% Kronecker product of Cyclotomic Reduction Operations.% x = (G(p(1)^e(1)) kron ... kron G(p(K)^(K)))^t*x
% (transpose)% p : p = [p(1),...,p(K)];% e : e = [e(1),...,e(K)];a = (p-1).*((p).^(e-1));
r = a; % r(i) = number of rows of G(i)c = 2*a-1; % c(i) = number of columns of G(i)
m = 1;n = prod(r);
for i = 1:Kn = n / r(i);
x = IcrotI(p(i),e(i),m,n,x);m = m * c(i);
function y = IcrotI(p,e,m,n,x)
% y = (eye(m) kron G(p^e)^t kron eye(n))*x% (transpose)
a = (p-1)*(p^(e-1));c = a;
r = 2*a-1;y = zeros(r*m*n,1);
v = 0:n:(r-1)*n;u = 0:n:(c-1)*n;
for i = 0:m-1for j = 0:n-1
y(v+i*r*n+j+1) = crot(p,e,x(u+i*c*n+j+1));end
function y = crot(p,e,x)
% y = crot(p,x)% cyclotomic reduction matrix (transpose)
% length(x) == 2*n-1% length(y) == n
% where n = (p-1)*(p^(e-1))n = (p-1)*(p^(e-1));
y = zeros(2*n-1,1);if p == 2
n = p^(e-1);y(1:n) = x;
y(n+1:2*n-1) = -x(1:n-1);else
y(1:n) = x;L = p^(e-1);
y(n+1:n+L) = -x(1:L);a = L;
for k = 2:p-1y(n+1:n+L) = y(n+1:n+L) - x(a+1:a+L);
a = a + L;end
b = 2*n-1 - p*(p^(e-1));y(p*L+1:p*L+b) = x(1:b);
The following programs tell the programs for code generation relevant information about the bilinear forms for cyclotomic convolution.Specifically, they indicates the linear convolution out of which these cyclotomic convolution are composed, and thedimensions of the corresponding matrices. See the appendix Bilinear Forms for Linear Convolution .
function [d,r,c,Q,Qt] = A_data(n)% A : A matrix in bilinear form for cyclotomic convolution
% d : linear convolution modules used% r : rows
% c : columns% Q : Q(i) = cost associated with D(d(i))
% Qt : Qt(i) = cost associated with D(d(i))'if n == 2, d = [1];elseif n == 4, d = [2];elseif n == 8, d = [2 2];elseif n == 16, d = [2 2 2];elseif n == 3, d = [2];elseif n == 9, d = [2 3];elseif n == 27, d = [2 3 3];elseif n == 5, d = [2 2];elseif n == 7, d = [2 3];end
r = []; c = []; Q = []; Qt = [];for k = 1:length(d)
[rk, ck, Qk, Qtk]= D_data(d(k));
r = [r rk]; c = [c ck]; Q = [Q Qk]; Qt = [Qt Qtk];end
function [r,c,Q,Qt] = D_data(d);% D : D matrix in bilinear form for linear convolution
% r : rows% c : columns
% Q : cost associated with D(d)% Qt : cost associated with D(d)'
if d == 1, r = 1; c = 1; Q = 0; Qt = 0;elseif d == 2, r = 3; c = 2; Q = 1; Qt = 2;
elseif d == 3, r = 5; c = 3; Q = 7; Qt = 9;end
function [f,r,c] = C_data(p,e)% f : length of linear convolution% r : rows
% c : columnsf = prod((p-1).*(p.^(e-1)));
% (Euler Totient Function)r = 2*f-1;
c = F_data(f);
function c = F_data(n)
% c : columns of F matrixif n == 1, c = 1;
elseif n == 2, c = 3;elseif n == 4, c = 9;
elseif n == 8, c = 27;elseif n == 3, c = 5;
elseif n == 6, c = 15;elseif n == 18, c = 75;
function x = itKRED(P,E,K,x)
% x = itKRED(P,E,K,x);% (inverse transpose)
% P : P = [P(1),...,P(K)];
% E : E = [E(K),...,E(K)];
for i = 1:Ka = prod(P(1:i-1).^E(1:i-1));
c = prod(P(i+1:K).^E(i+1:K));p = P(i);
e = E(i);for j = e-1:-1:0
x(1:a*c*(p^(j+1))) = itRED(p,a,c*(p^j),x(1:a*c*(p^(j+1))));end
function y = itRED(p,a,c,x)
% y = itRED(p,a,c,x);% (inverse transpose)
y = zeros(a*c*p,1);for i = 0:c:(a-1)*c
for j = 0:c-1A = x(i*p+j+1);
for k = 0:c:c*(p-2)A = A + x(i*p+j+k+c+1);
endy(i+j+1) = A;
for k = 0:c:c*(p-2)y(i*(p-1)+j+k+a*c+1) = p*x(i*p+j+k+1) - A;
endy = y/p;
The permutation of
Equation 18 from Preliminaries is implemented by
. It calls the function
The transpose is implemented by
and it
function x = pfp(n,K,x)
% x = P(n(1),...,n(K)) * x% n = [n(1),...,n(K)];% length(x) = prod(n(1),...,n(K))
a = prod(n);s = 1;
for i = K:-1:2a = a / n(i);
x = pfp2I(a,n(i),s,x);s = s * n(i);
function y = pfp2I(a,b,s,x)
% y = kron(P(a,b),I(s)) * x;% length(x) = a*b*s
n = a * b;y = zeros(n*s,1);
k1 = 0;k2 = 0;
for k = 0:n-1i1 = s * (k1 + b * k2);
i2 = s * k;for i = 1:s
y(i1 + i) = x(i2 + i);end
k1 = k1 + 1;k2 = k2 + 1;
if k1>= b
k1 = k1 - b;end
if k2>= a
k2 = k2 - a;end
function x = pfpt(n,K,x)
% x = P(n(1),...,n(K))' * x% (tanspose)
% n = [n(1),...,n(K)];
% length(x) = prod(n(1),...,n(K))% a = prod(n);
a = n(1);s = prod(n(2:K));
for i = 2:Ks = s / n(i);
x = pfpt2I(a,n(i),s,x);a = a * n(i);
function y = pfpt2I(a,b,s,x)
% y = P(a,b)' kron I(s) * x;% (transpose)
% length(x) = a*b*sn = a * b;
y = zeros(n*s,1);k1 = 0;
k2 = 0;for k = 0:n-1
i1 = s * (k1 + b * k2);i2 = s * k;
for i = 1:sy(i2 + i) = x(i1 + i);
endk1 = k1 + 1;
k2 = k2 + 1;if k1>= b
k1 = k1 - b;end
if k2>= a
k2 = k2 - a;end
The following Matlab programs implement Rader's permutation and its transpose.They require the primitive root to be passed to them as an argument.
function y = rp(p,r,x)
% Rader's Permutation% p : prime
% r : a primitive root of p% x : length(x) == p
a = 1;y = zeros(p,1);
y(1) = x(1);for k = 2:p
y(k) = x(a+1);a = rem(a*r,p);
function y = rpt(p,r,x)
% Rader's Permutation% (transpose)
% p : prime% r : a primitive root of p
% x : length(x) == pa = 1;
y = zeros(p,1);y(1) = x(1);
for k = 2:py(a+1) = x(k);
a = rem(a*r,p);end
function [R, R_inv] = primitive_root(N)% function [R, R_inv] = primitive_root(N)% Ivan Selesnick
% N is assumed to be prime. This function returns R,% the smallest primitive root of N, and R_inv, the
% inverse of R modulo N.R = 'Not Found';
m = 0:(N-2);for x = 1:(N-1)
if ( 1:(N-1) == sort(rem2(x,m,N)) )R = x;
endR_inv = 'Not Found';
for x = 1:Nif rem(x*R,N) == 1
R_inv = x;break
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