There are two options available for exporting modules:
Plain CNXML allows you to download the
CNXML file for the module, which contains all of the module text and CNXML markup. The exported file is titled "
<moduleid> -plain.cnxml", where
<moduleid> is the module's ID number.
Zip File allows you to download the module's CNXML file (titled "index.cnxml") along with all attached resource files (such as embedded images, downloadable handouts, etc.).
You can also access the CNXML source code for any published module by appending "source" to the module's URL (e.g.
(External Link) ).
Exporting a collection
You can use the collection export feature to download a copy of a collection for external use. There are two versions of the collection available:
complete version , which includes information about the collection structure as well as the complete contents of all component modules.
CollXML-only version , which includes only the structural information for the collection and does not include component modules.
When viewing the published version of a collection online, you can export both versions of the collection from the metadata page - simply scroll to the bottom of the collection home page and click on the 'Metadata' link, and locate the appropriate link at the bottom of the 'Metadata' section.
Collection authors can also download both versions of the collection export file from their workgroup after publishing a collection, and can download the CollXML-only version from any checked-out collection.
There is currently no support for importing collections, including those exported through this feature. At present, the collection export feature is provided primarily for developers interested in taking advantage of existing content for use with external platforms supporting CollXML/CNXML documents.
The collection export file (complete version)
The complete exported collection is packaged as a ZIP file titled "
<collectionid> _
<version>", where
<collectionid> and
<version> are the collection's ID and version number, respectively. Once expanded, this version of the exported collection contains the following:
CollXML document (titled "
<collectionid> _
<version> _collection.xml") describing the collection's structure.
For each component module, a folder titled "
<moduleid> " (the module's ID). Each of these folders contains:
CNXML document for the module (titled "index.cnxml").
Any resource files, such as embedded images or downloadable handouts, that are attached to the module.
The collection export file (collxml-only version)
The structure-only version of the exported collection is available as a downloadable
CollXML document titled "
<id> _
<version> _collection.xml", where
<id> and
<version> are the collection's ID and version number, respectively. The CollXML file contains information about the collection including references to component modules, the order in which they are presented in the collection, and chapter/section information, along with a copy of the collection metadata.
For more information regarding the contents of the collection export file, please see the
CollXML help page .