The subject of this class is SUCCESS...what success is and how to achieve it in college.
Week 1: introduction / creating success
Let's Get Started! Introductions and Syllabus Review
Spiderman Brown
Albert EinsteinAAA 090
September 30, 2013
Planning for a New Life
Going to college is like entering a whole different world. It takes a lot of preparation. I knew I'd have to
learn to think in new ways, but then I found out I had to learn to plan my daily habits too. My life requires moreplanning than ever.
I hadn't realized at first how much time I'd have to spend away from home. In addition to the hours I'vealways worked, I now have additional hours away from home that I spend in class or at the library. I need to
schedule everything! For instance, I have to plan for my lunches and dinners to come with me because I can't runhome in between work and school, and I can't afford fast food all the time. I also have to plan on what goes into my
backpack every day. I need different materials on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from what I need on Tuesday andThursday. Therefore, I have to make sure I change things out before I leave the house in the morning. It has taken
me a while to get it all right so I don't forget anything and so I don't carry around extra stuff that could get heavy. Iride my bike, so I don't have a car trunk to act as a locker. Planning My load correctly every day is important. The
little time I have at home, I spend studying and then preparing for the next day. It has taken some getting used to.Being a student has meant learning a lot of unexpected stuff I didn't plan on, like how much planning of
everyday things it really takes to succeed. I am getting better and better at organizing myself. That's a good thingbecause my classes keep getting harder.
Success journal criteria
Use the following criteria as a checklist as you do your written assignment:
- Does my paper address
all of the questions asked for in the assignment?
- Does my paper stay on the topic, without straying or adding irrelevant information?
If handwritten:
- Does my paper begin with a four-line heading in MLA format, as follows?
- Does the first line contain my name (first name first)?
- Does the second line contain my instructor's name?
- Does the third line contain the name of my class (subject and course number)?
- Does the fourth line contain the due date (written out or in European format?)
April 10, 2013 or 10 April 2013
- Are the above four lines in the upper left corner, double-spaced (no extra space)?
- Is the title centered on the top line?
- Is the title in 12-point type (without quotation marks, bold face, or other effects)?
- Is the title appropriate for the assignment?
- Is there a double space (2.0 - no extra space) between the heading and the title?
- Is there a double space (2.0 - no extra space) between the title and the first line of the essay?
- If my paper is more than one page, are subsequent pages numbered in the upper right corner?
- Does my paper have three main elements: 1) introduction, 2) body, and 3) conclusion?
- Did I address the topic using full sentences and paragraphs?
- Do my sentences make sense?
- Are my paragraphs written in a logical order?
- Does each paragraph address a complete point, thought, or idea?
- Did I start a new paragraph when moving to a different point, thought, or idea?
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Use the above criteria as a checklist as you do your assignment.
Refer to the sample essay in MLA format to see how your paper should look.
Read the chapter: Create - Building Your Own Successful Future
Academic success agreement
Read your syllabus, then email the "Academic Success Agreement" statement below to the instructor.
- Type the following information in the subject area: Your First and Last Name, AAA 090
- Type the following information in the body area:
My name is _______________________. I am enrolled in AAA 090, _______ Semester. I understand that I create and earn my grade. I am responsible for exhibiting successful behaviors in class and showing respect to others. I understand that in order to achieve success, I must attend and participate in class, study and make wise choices. I also understand that if I have any questions or concerns, I must contact my instructor immediately to seek help.