OER/OCW Courses

Povej mi kje bi živel in povem ti kdo si by Matjaž Urši @VideoLectures

Urbanizacija ne označuje le naraščanja števila prebivalstva na urbanih območjih in spremembe v načinu zaposlitve (deagrarizacije), temveč predpostavlja tudi t. i. ... Watch Video

The New Epoch and the 21st Century Imperative by David @VideoLectures

Great civil engineers finds an aesthetic appropriate for their building’s material and structure, asserts David Billington, whose life work has been the study of some of the... Watch Video

Tiso kilometrov je od Rue Descartes do by Tone Smolej @VideoLectures

Podoba Pariza v slovenski književnosti od konca 18. do začetka 21. stoletja.... Watch Video

Why the Semantic Web will never work by Jim Hendler @VideoLectures

James Hendler is the Tetherless World Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science, and the Assistant Dean for Information Technology and Web Science, at Rensselaer. He is also a... Watch Video

XAFS study of Zr local environment in amorphous by Elena @VideoLectures

We prepared La2Zr2O7 by the nitrate-modified alkoxide-based sol-gel synthesis route. The dehydrated lanthanum nitrate was mixed with zirconium n-butoxide in 2-methoxyethanol and... Watch Video

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