
Semantic Web@5 - Current Status and Future Promise of the Semantic Web


This is a one-hour video recording of the presentation of Jim Hendler at the KnowledgeWeb summer school 2006. It comprises either the video synchronized with the slides (requires Flash) or the video alone. Table of Contents: Outline Semantic Web @ 5 Current Status and Future Promise of the Semantic Web Before We Get Started 1990's: 'Pre-history' 2000-2001: What Did We Believe 2000-2001: 'Early Years' Original Outline (July 2000) 2001 2003 2005 2006: You Are Here! Significant Corporate Activity Significant Government Activity There's a Lot Out There! Semantic WEB SEMANTIC Web 2006: The Gap Is Closing SEMANTIC Web Lessons Semantic WEB Lessons Where Are the Agents Linking Is Power! Ontology Engineering It's not all OWL DL Think beyond the layer cake Most important of all Charge for this week
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Attribution: The Open Education Consortium
Course Home http://videolectures.net/rease_hendler_swcsf/