Filename: Demo_Program_Control_Functions_Pseudocode.txt Purpose: Example of Modularization for Program Control Comment: Modified from Compiler_Test program See Also: Demo_Program_Control_Functions_Hierarchy_Chart.jpg Author: Ken Busbee; © 2009 Kenneth Leroy Busbee Date: Jan 6, 2009 Licensed by: Kenneth Leroy Busbee under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) ************************************************************* Function main Pass In: nothing Call: get_data Call: process_data Call: show_results Pass Out: zero to the OS Endfunction ******************** Function get_data Pass In: nothing display a message asking user for the age of the first person get the aget of the first person from the keyboard display a message asking user for the age of the second person get the age of the second person from the keyboard Pass Out: nothing Endfuction ******************** Function process_data Pass In: nothing calculate the answer by adding the two ages and dividing by 2.0 Pass Out: nothing Endfuction ******************** Function show_results Pass In: nothing display the answer with an appropriate message Call: pause Pass Out: nothing Endfuction ******************** Function pause Pass In: nothing direct the operating system to pause the program Pass Out: nothing Endfuction ****************************************************** Potential Variables Data Type Identifier Name ********* *************** integer age1 integer age2 double answer ****************************************************** End of file