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Physical Therapist


TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Full-Time or Part-Time Pelvic Health Physical Therapist


  • US - US

  • December 12, 2024

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist 3,000


  • US - US

  • December 24, 2024

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Patient Services Assistant


  • US - US

  • January 7, 2025

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist 10,000


TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant


TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist 3,000


  • US - AL - Opelika

  • October 12, 2024

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Full-Time or Part-Time Pelvic Health Physical Therapist


  • US - AL - Pelham

  • November 17, 2024

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant


  • US - US

  • December 22, 2024

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...

Physical Therapist


  • US - AL - Auburn

  • January 1, 2025

TherapySouth was founded in July 2006 by Steve Foster, PT, LAT. His vision was that TherapySouth would be a therapist-owned practice, specializing in "hands-on care, close to a patient's home or work". All of our clinics maintain a friendly atmosphere that helps patients feel at home in their...