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Digital Construction Manager

Sir Robert McAlpine

Sir Robert McAlpine has secured a prestigious contract to construct a state-of-the-art Battery Manufacturing Facility. The initial phase of the project includes the design and construction of a new 15GWh lithium-ion battery facility, ancillary buildings, and site-wide external works. • Why join...

Planning Manager

Sir Robert McAlpine

Sir Robert McAlpine has secured a prestigious contract to construct a state-of-the-art Battery Manufacturing Facility. The initial phase of the project includes the design and construction of a new 15GWh lithium-ion battery facility, ancillary buildings, and site-wide external works • Why join...

Design Manager

Sir Robert McAlpine

Sir Robert McAlpine has secured a prestigious contract to construct a state-of-the-art Battery Manufacturing Facility. • The initial phase of the project includes the design and construction of a new 15GWh lithium-ion battery facility, ancillary buildings, and site-wide external works •...

Quality Engineer

Sir Robert McAlpine

SRM are preparing for the commencement of a major programme of construction works in Port Talbot, South Wales. The works to be undertaken will involve heavy construction/ civil engineering works across a variety of industrial work fronts over the next 3 to 4 years, commencing initially with a series...

Façade Manager

Sir Robert McAlpine

Sir Robert McAlpine has secured a prestigious contract to construct a state-of-the-art Battery Manufacturing Facility. • The initial phase of the project includes the design and construction of a new 15GWh lithium-ion battery facility, ancillary buildings, and site-wide external works •...