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Customer Support Specialist - Saturday-Tuesday; 10am-9pm


OzarksGo, based in Fayetteville, Arkansas a telecommunications subsidiary of Ozarks Electric Cooperative, offering all-fiber gigabit internet and premium television and telephone services to Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. • Ozarks provides its employees a comprehensive benefits package...

Customer Support Specialist - Thursday-Sunday; 11am-10pm


OzarksGo , based in Fayetteville, Arkansas a telecommunications subsidiary of Ozarks Electric Cooperative, offering all-fiber gigabit internet and premium television and telephone services to Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. • Ozarks provides its employees a comprehensive benefits...

Customer Support Specialist - Friday-Monday; 10am-9pm


OzarksGo , based in Fayetteville, Arkansas a telecommunications subsidiary of Ozarks Electric Cooperative, offering all-fiber gigabit internet and premium television and telephone services to Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. • Ozarks provides its employees a comprehensive benefits...