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Web3 Game Economy Designer ESOP Only


Obinex is a Pre-Seed stage Startup on a mission to develop a Centralized exchange and a Blockchain platform, both from scratch and with Large Language Models integration to facilitate the adoption of the centralized economy in the decentralized space and give way to a more secure centralization....

Web3 Game Economy Designer ESOP Only


Obinex is a Pre-Seed stage Startup on a mission to develop a Centralized exchange and a Blockchain platform, both from scratch and with Large Language Models integration to facilitate the adoption of the centralized economy in the decentralized space and give way to a more secure centralization. As...

Web3 Game Economy Designer ESOP Only


Obinex is a Pre-Seed stage Startup on a mission to develop a Centralized exchange and a Blockchain platform, both from scratch and with Large Language Models integration to facilitate the adoption of the centralized economy in the decentralized space and give way to a more secure centralization. As...