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Community Outreach Worker

Mind Hertfordshire Network

Do you want to support people with mental health issues? Are you calm, non-judgemental and able to work effectively with people experiencing distress? • Can you demonstrate our values of Hope, Together, Courage and Responsive and want to be part of our mission to create opportunities for...

Crisis Cafe Coordinator

Mind Hertfordshire Network

Do you want to support people with mental health issues in a moment of crisis? Are you calm, non-judgmental and able to work effectively with people experiencing distress? • Can you demonstrate our values of Hope, Courage, Together, and Responsive and want to be part of our mission to create...

Crisis Cafe Coordinator

Mind Hertfordshire Network

Do you want to support people with mental health issues in a moment of crisis? Are you calm, non-judgmental and able to work effectively with people experiencing distress? • Can you demonstrate our values of Hope, Courage, Together, and Responsive and want to be part of our mission to create...

Community Outreach Worker

Mind Hertfordshire Network

Do you want to support people with mental health issues? Are you calm, non-judgemental and able to work effectively with people experiencing distress? • Can you demonstrate our values of Hope, Together, Courage and Responsive and want to be part of our mission to create opportunities for...