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Business Development Manager - Localization & QA Services - USA

Keywords Studios

Keywords Studios is the leading provider of creative and technical services to over 950 clients, including major AAA developers and publishers such as Microsoft, Bandai Namco, and PlayStation. With a global network of 75+ studios, we co-develop games and provide comprehensive support across all...

Recording Engineer - Self Application

Keywords Studios

At Keywords, we are using our passion for games, technology and media to create a global services platform for video games and beyond. • Our aim is to become the 'go to' provider of technical services. • We enable leading content creators and publishers to leverage our expertise and...

Business Development Manager - Localization & QA Services - USA

Keywords Studios

Keywords Studios is the leading provider of creative and technical services to over 950 clients, including major AAA developers and publishers such as Microsoft, Bandai Namco, and PlayStation. With a global network of 75+ studios, we co-develop games and provide comprehensive support across all...

Business Development Manager - Localization & QA Services - USA

Keywords Studios

Keywords Studios is the leading provider of creative and technical services to over 950 clients, including major AAA developers and publishers such as Microsoft, Bandai Namco, and PlayStation. With a global network of 75+ studios, we co-develop games and provide comprehensive support across all...