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Sales Area Manager

Inter Continental Cigar Corporation

Al Capone (a subsidiary of the BS-Group) is represented in the US market through ICC (Inter-Continental Cigar Corp.) and part of the global BS Tobacco Group with presence in European, Asian and North American markets. Over the past 20+ years ICC has developed the Al Ca-pone brand to become the best...

Sales Area Manager

Inter Continental Cigar Corporation

Al Capone (a subsidiary of the BS-Group) is represented in the US market through ICC (Inter-Continental Cigar Corp.) and part of the global BS Tobacco Group with presence in European, Asian and North American markets. Over the past 20+ years ICC has developed the Al Ca-pone brand to become the best...

Sales Area Manager

Inter Continental Cigar Corporation

Al Capone (a subsidiary of the BS-Group) is represented in the US market through ICC (Inter-Continental Cigar Corp.) and part of the global BS Tobacco Group with presence in European, Asian and North American markets. Over the past 20+ years ICC has developed the Al Ca-pone brand to become the best...

Sales Area Manager

Inter Continental Cigar Corporation

Al Capone (a subsidiary of the BS-Group) is represented in the US market through ICC (Inter-Continental Cigar Corp.) and part of the global BS Tobacco Group with presence in European, Asian and North American markets. Over the past 20+ years ICC has developed the Al Ca-pone brand to become the best...