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Product and Design


  • CA - NS - halifax

  • January 27, 2025

At Floqer AI, we are on a mission to revolutionize how sales teams sell - by helping them turn their bold creative Go-to-market ideas into reality, saving them hours and going beyond human capabilities. Our team has been studying sales workflows for years, spotting inefficiencies and we've built...

Product and Design


At Floqer AI, we are on a mission to revolutionize how sales teams sell - by helping them turn their bold creative Go-to-market ideas into reality, saving them hours and going beyond human capabilities. • Our team has been studying sales workflows for years, spotting inefficiencies and we've...

Product and Design


At Floqer AI, we are on a mission to revolutionize how sales teams sell - by helping them turn their bold creative Go-to-market ideas into reality, saving them hours and going beyond human capabilities. Our team has been studying sales workflows for years, spotting inefficiencies and we've built...