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Impossible Cloud - Senior Smart Contract Engineer


At Impossible Cloud Network (ICN), we are pioneering the #1 enterprise-grade decentralized open cloud platform for hardware and service providers, as well as developers. • Founded by seasoned entrepreneurs who previously built a billion-euro tech company, we are on a mission to revolutionize...

Fullstack Engineer - YieldNest


YieldNest is a next-gen liquid restaking protocol built for those who don't settle for basic. • We strip away the complexity of restaking, delivering simple, risk-adjusted strategies that actually work.Our mission? To create a seamless, one-stop platform where nLRT and LRT-based products bring...

Atlas rulebook architect - governance and ai integration specialist


About Maker DAO: • Maker DAO is a pioneering decentralized organization that powers the Dai stablecoin and leads in the development of decentralized finance (De Fi). • We are on the cutting edge of building a fully autonomous financial system, governed by the community and empowered by...

Integrations Engineer - EnsoFinance


EnsoFinance is at the forefront of decentralized finance (DeFi), building innovative products that connect users to the best DeFi opportunities across both EVM and non-EVM chains. We are looking for a skilled Integrations Engineer to help us drive seamless integration of Enso with various DeFi...

Software Engineer Compilers & Virtual Machines


Parity is one of the world's most experienced core blockchain infrastructure companies, having built and pioneered some of the most advanced technologies in the blockchain sector. Parity was founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum, the primary engineer behind the Ethereum...

EnsoFinance - Cosmos Engineer


Enso Finance is building the future of decentralized finance (DeFi) by developing a cross-chain protocol that enables seamless interoperability across both EVM and non-EVM blockchains. Our mission is to provide users with decentralized, permissionless access to liquidity, assets, and yield...

DevRel Engineer - Enso Finance


Our mission is to simplify blockchain interactions by bundling any arbitrary calls into simple one-click, we call these shortcuts. We connect the dots between ecosystems of DeFi, and allow anyone to interact with all the ecosystem participants through one simple, and intuitive API. • We believe...

Nexus Labs - Smart Contract Engineer


Enabling Verifiable Computing • The Nexus Project is a scientific and engineering effort bringing truth to the field of computation. We're enabling bringing to life a new form of compute: verifiable computation, powered by open science and open-source software so it can benefit everyone. Our...

Rust Engineer - EnsoFinance


Our mission at Enso is to create a unified and efficient DeFi environment where financial applications can seamlessly connect and operate. The ambition is to build the Intent Engine for DeFi, we aim to revolutionize finance through optimal routing, graphing, and integrations that empower users and...