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SME Sales Manager


We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Technology Sales Executive with a strong network in the USA. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of data and AI services, the ability to refine and position our offerings for successful sales plays, and a proven track record of...

SME Sales Manager


We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Technology Sales Executive with a strong network in the USA. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of data and AI services, the ability to refine and position our offerings for successful sales plays, and a proven track record of...

SME Sales Manager


We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Technology Sales Executive with a strong network in the USA. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of data and AI services, the ability to refine and position our offerings for successful sales plays, and a proven track record of...

SME Sales Manager


We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Technology Sales Executive with a strong network in the USA. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of data and AI services, the ability to refine and position our offerings for successful sales plays, and a proven track record of...