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Chalmers tekniska högskola

Vill du vara med och rekrytera studenter till Chalmers utbildningar? Vi erbjuder en spännande, kreativ och ansvarsfull tjänst som marknadsförare inom internationell studentrekrytering.Information om avdelningenKommunikationsavdelningen arbetar strategiskt och operativt med Chalmers varumärke, skapar...

PhD student position in Software Performance Engineering

Chalmers tekniska högskola

You will be a part of an exciting research environment and acquire the skills to conduct independent research. • You will contribute to a future in which we can rely on better, more reliable, and better performing software systems that have the potential to improve the web-based applications...


Chalmers tekniska högskola

Vill du vara med och rekrytera studenter till Chalmers utbildningar? Vi erbjuder en spännande, kreativ och ansvarsfull tjänst som marknadsförare inom internationell studentrekrytering.Information om avdelningenKommunikationsavdelningen arbetar strategiskt och operativt med Chalmers varumärke, skapar...

Postdoctoral position in Bio-Fuel Production from Bio-Oils and Biomass

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Postdoctoral position in Bio-Fuel Production from Bio-Oils and BiomassREF 2024-0688Drive the future of sustainable energy! Join our team to develop cutting-edge catalytic processes that transform waste materials into renewable chemicals and fuels. • Make a meaningful impact in the transition to...

Postdoc position in terahertz spectroscopic methods for life sciences

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Postdoc position in terahertz spectroscopic methods for life sciencesREF 2024-0703Are you passionate about advancing spectroscopy to new frontiers? We are seeking a postdoc to help establish an innovative terahertz spectroscopic technique capable of resolving spectroscopic signatures of proteins and...

Fifteen PhD positions at the Department of Mathematical Sciences

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Fifteen PhD positions at the Department of Mathematical SciencesREF 2024-0689Join one of Sweden's leading mathematics departments!Our department is organized into three vibrant divisions. • As an internationally renowned department, we are proud to foster a creative, collaborative, and...

Postdoc in electroactive covalent organic framework membranes

Chalmers tekniska högskola

REF 2024-0674Electroactive covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have great potential in the mixed electronic-mass transport due to their highly designable scaffold structures. • The use of COFs as transport media in organic electronics can facilitate the development of future technologies, such...

Postdoc in Development and Design of Circular Aluminium Alloys

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Postdoc in Development and Design of Circular Aluminium AlloysREF 2024-0673Are you passionate about sustainable materials and innovative alloy design? Join us in pioneering research to create resource-efficient aluminium alloys using cutting-edge thermodynamics modelling and machine learning. •...